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Ok, that picture is really bad. I took it at his concert, but my eyes could make out every feature on his face and body. My camera sucked that night.

I screamed so loud too haha. But I couldn't talk the next day so it was worth it.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school has started back up and I've been busy with homework, projects, and outside reading stuff.

Josie's p.o.v.

"Bye?" I say in a questioning tone. Shawn is looking as confused as I am. "He's just jealous," he winks. I giggle and lightly push at his arm. The smile placed on his face is enough to make me melt right there. But instead my face turns red, and I have no idea why. Yes, his smile is amazing, but why does my face have to turn red?

"Why are you blushing?" He asks in a mocking tone. I roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders. "Is it because of me?"
I tilt my head to the side and say, "no, you never make me blush." "Do to!" His face almost looks hurt, but I know he means it in a joking way. "No really, you're never making me blush. You can't even make me laugh!" Half way through I'm all ready holding back a laugh, I'm a bad liar. "I made you laugh like a minute ago! You're a bad liar." He agrees with my recent thoughts.

I playfully gasp and he smirks. "I'm hurt Shawn, I'm hurt."
"Boo hoo," he mumbles and I give him a look. "I'm not even crying!" He laughs and says, "but you're whining."

"I'm not whining," while I say that sentence I hear my whiny tone and I pout. "Oh, so now we're pouting?"
I look in the opposite way of Shawn and cross my arms. "And the silent treatment? On the first day? Wow, I really messed up."

I can't stop the giggle that slips past my lips, and quickly cover my mouth with my right hand. He giggles too and I can't help but realize how cute it was. "Do that again!"
"What?" His confused face makes me wanna laugh again. "Giggle! It was cute!"

"You sound like a fangirl," he raises an eyebrow and bite my lip. "I feel bad, I only know your songs that are on the radio. I did listen to your album a bit when I found out you were famous... But I don't know the words. Yet."
"I love how you said yet." He giggles again and point at him, "see!"

His confused look comes back again and I once again pout. "What did I do this time!" I laugh again, failing to pout. "You can't even keep the act up you love me so much!" I am kinda taken back by his words.

Love? I don't even know him personally yet. Maybe he meant it in a joking way.. I'm over reacting. It's just I've never been in love before. Yeah, I like Shawn a lot. But I wouldn't say love.

I haven't said anything since he said that. But it was only moments ago. I glance at him and he's waiting for me to say something. "Wanna go walk on the beach?" I look down at my cloths. Good enough. I nod and he gives me a small smile.

Why am I say taken back by that one word? He only meant it in a friendly manner. That's like when I say I love a celebrity, I'm just saying I really like them. A lot. I don't actually love them.

"How was your tour?" I ask. I should of asked sooner. "It was amazing. I loved hearing them scream the lyrics over me, and really enjoying it. It's a great feeling to know you have fans." I smile at his words and watch as his emotions change as he talks.

They all were happy faces, but somehow they were different. His red cheeks moving from his smile and his words as he speaks. "You like to stare," he says playfully. I blush and look down at my feet as hey shuffle along the concrete. "Wanna just walk to the beach? I can see it from here." His eyes wander from the car and the beach. "I don't walk," I say. He laughs.

"If we go to the beach, you're gonna have to walk." I huff and rolls my eyes. "Let's just walk there so I can get used to it."
He giggles, again. Giggles.

I sound weird, but him giggling is really cute.


Shawn's p.o.v.

Her eyes have this slight sparkle in them as she stares at the waves. The sun has started to set, causing the sky to turn a orange and purple color. Usually those colors wouldn't mix, but the sky makes it work. And the fact Josie is in my view makes it a lot better.

"The sky is so pretty," she whispers. Her soft voice is enough to give me chills. "Yeah, it is." She glances at me and says, "you're not even looking at the sky."
I feel my cheeks heat up and I look at the sand to hide.

She doesn't say anything as I stare at my feet slowly sink into the sand. The waves rolling up and damping the bottom of my jeans. I don't really mind, it's just water.
I feel salt water splash up in my face, then a laugh slips past Josie's lips.

"You have started war." I mumble and her eyes go wide. I take a few quick steps and dip my hand in the water, forcing it in the air in the direction of Josie. She gasps and squeezes her eyes shut as it hits her face, shirt, and hair. "That was too much!" She whines, then wipes the water off her face. "Well, I told you you started war."

Her teeth sink into her bottom lips and she gives me a you're on, type look. She takes her phone out of her back picket and tosses it and it luckily lands on the towel we found sitting there. Yeah, I fat guy with a sweaty ass could of been sitting there. No big deal.

But I did the same, tossing my phone and once again splashes her. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to leave my phone laying there, but I'm to in the moment.

I splash her, and she jumps to try and get or of the way. I gasp as she trips over a wave that is smacking onto the sand. She stumbles and falls into the water. I cover my mouth to muffle my laughs. She surfaces, looking pissed.

I throw my head back and squeeze my eyes shut, the laughing coming from me goes on for a while. But it didn't take long before I felt small hands pushing on my torso. I didn't have time to catch myself before I felt the water engulf me.

When i come back from underwater Josie is laughing. I can't even get mad. See her laugh like that makes me smile.

Us splashing and knocking each other down goes on for a while. I sadly swallowed some water, so my mouth tastes like salt.

"Sharks come out at night. I'm getting out!" Josie exclaims and runs out of the water. "Sharks are out all the time," I say with a laugh. "Yeah, but they're more active at night." I nod and walk towards her. "I'll call Jake and ask him to bring us some towels." Her teeth chatter, and her hands glide up and down her upper arm. "It's not even cold!"

She narrows her eyes and me and says, "I get cold easily." Oh, I mumble, but not loud enough for her to hear. Will arrives quickly with two towels.

"Why did you guys even get in? You have cloths on." Josie laughs and shrugs her shoulders. "Just playing around," I smile. Will opens his mouth slightly, but doesn't say anything. I watch him as his eyes trail to Josie, and they rake up and down her body.

I shouldn't be as mad as I feel right now. Have you ever liked some one so much that you get jealous when they talk to another person? And other boy in this case. (Literally me right now. Sept my crush talks to so many pretty girls ugh kms.)

"We should be getting her home," I grunt. Wills eyes finally detach from Josie and he gives me a nod. "Let's get going."

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