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All the credit in this chapter goes to the people who commented those kind words and ideas.

"No fucking way," I say. Noah grabs ahold of my wrist, tugging at it until I face him. "Come on Josie, you've been hiding in your damn house for days now!"

Noah's right, I've been avoiding him and everyone else. He just showed up at my house and pushed pasted me, I didn't even have time to abject. "Fine, what do you want to do?" Yep, I caved in. He's bothering me, and the only way to shut his ass up is to agree with what ever he wants to do. "A party," he says with hands on his hips. I roll my eyes, "Really? The last party I went-" "Yeah, forget about that party. This is a completely different place!" Noah says, cutting me off.

I huff and turn away from him, spinning on the heals of my feet. "What if Shawn's there?" Noah let's out a long groan. "You claim to be over him, but yet you're so worried about him!" I turn back around quickly and grab him by the jaw. "Okay, I'm not over Shawn. I think about him all the time, what he's doing, who he's with, and what he's thinking. Happy now?" A huge grin spreads across Noah's face. He takes my hand away from his jaw.

"Actually, yes." I knit my eyebrows together in confusion. "This can be the night you get back together!" My eyes get wide and I shake my head, "You know he's going, don't you?" Noah nods his head rapidly with a smirk. "Bastard," I mumble. He holds his hand up to his ear and leans closer to me, "Sorry, didn't hear you." I smack him lightly, and he gasps dramatically. "Oh close your trap." He pouts at
my words.

Noah picks my up suddenly; throwing me over his shoulder. "What the hell?" I yell, Noah only chuckles. "I'm going to help you pick something out. It needs to be hot, but not too hot." I huff, this boy is a trip. "So I don't have a choice?" "Nope."

He grabs a matching small shirt and skirt out of my closet as I sit on my bed. It's blue and and darker blue and white flowers traced across both pieces, I've barely worn it. "You're wearing this," he throws the outfit at me, hitting my face. "Alright," I say, there's no use in trying to argue with Noah. He leaves the room so I can change, "Done."

He busts through the door and looks me up and down, "Shawn's dick is gonna get hard when he sees you." My eyes bulge and Noah just gets lost in a fit of laughter.

"O-Okay, uh, what time does the party start?" "7:00" "Why so early?" He shrugs his shoulders. It's already 6, so I don't have much time. "Need to do my makeup," I huff and force myself to apply some mascara, bronzer, and highlighter. "Why is your face so shiny?" He asks. Noah reaches out to touch my cheekbone but I slap his hand away, "Okay, damn."

"Let's just go." He giggles and I follow him down the stairs and outside to his car. "Is it a long drive?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders, "Not really. But there's a wreck on the way there, so that might be awhile." I slough down in my seat and sigh in frustration.

The traffic made me want to rip my curls out, but Noah stopped my from doing so. "We're here, now let me set some rules. No drinking, no kissing random people, and you must fuck Shawn."

I basically choke on air when he says the last part. Noah just laughs loudly before getting out of the car along with me. "Are you gonna stay with me?" I ask, making my best pout face. Noah looks at me for a moment, then slowly shakes his head with a smirk. "No way," I huff at his words.

As we enter, a girl passes us. She looks completely lost and annoyed like me. Noah's eyes follow her as she passes us, "Let me go comfort that doll face." He follows after her and I giggle. "Doll face," I mumble.

Music is blasting, and lights are flashing. It's hard to hear myself think, and the smell of cigarettes, alcohol, and sweat is down right suffocating me. "Josie?" My head snaps in the direction I hear my voice. My eyes meet Madison Beer's. She embraces me in a hug, and I do the same. "How are-" "Madison!" Some one screams her name and she scrunches up her face. "Sorry babe, I'll find you in a bit." She walks away.

I sigh, nothing works out, does it? I end up just wondering around the big house, walking in on teenagers having sex and people doing drugs. Just the normal everyday party. Now I'm standing at the end of a empty hallway away from all those annoying partiers.

A hand rests on my hip, and I waste no time to turn around. The man reeks of weed, like it's burning my nose. "Hey baby," he says breathlessly. Don't get me wrong, he's hot. But he's also high, and out of his mind. "Uh, bye." I try to walk away but his hand clasps around my upper arm. He yanks me back, I fall into him, but he stays steady.

"Why don't you come with me?" My eyes get wide, this can't be happening again. I will not get raped again, I will not suffer through this again.

One of his nasty hands wraps around my throat and pushes me against the wall. I cry out in pain when my back gets hit with such force. "Are you a virgin?" He slurs. I gulp, I should lie. Say I am so he most likely won't do it. "Y-Yes," I choke out. "And I'll have the honor of taking it."

"No!" I scream at the top of my lungs. His hand covers my mouth, and I bite it as hard as I can. He cries out in pain, but doesn't move it. "Scream again, and I'll snap your neck." He slowly takes his hand away from my mouth, and I don't make a sound. His other hand tightens around my neck, and I'm finding it hard to breath. "I-I-I," i try to take a breath but nothing happens. "C-Can't breath," I push out. His hand loosens and I gasp for air. "Next time, don't bite me. Save that for the bedroom."

I cringe at the thought of doing anything sexual with this guy. He throws me onto the ground, the impact is to much to bare, I can barely move. He keeps me pinned down while he strips me of my clothes, "Please I'm begging you, stop." Tears stream down my face, this just can't be happening.

He kisses me on the mouth, and I try and push him away. His lips travel to my jaw, then suck at my neck. Everything is fuzzy because I'm crying so hard, "I'll give you everything I have just don't do this!" His fingers pull at the top of my underwear and my breath hitches. "Fucking stop!" I say, finding it hard to say through all the tears and shaking.

"What the hell are you doing!" Someone screams, but I know who's voice it is.


The guy doesn't have time to reply before he's kicked hard in the face by Shawn. I lay there in just my under wear and bra, shaking and crying. I can't move, I feel paralyzed. Shawn sits on the ground and pulls my into his lap, rocking me back and forth slowly as I just cry into his shoulder. I know I'm basically naked, but I don't care.

I feel safe in his arms.

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