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I decided to leave the house and hang out with Noah today. For the past three days all I have been doing is sitting around, and pointing out all the flaws I have. And tomorrow is the party and I need to lift my head up, and get myself in a better mood. Yeah, I lost a shot at happiness, but there's plenty more people who I can be happy with. And probably fuck it up also.

He's meeting me at the avenue in a few. I'm broke so it's not like I can actually buy anything. "Where are you going?" I turn around to see my Mom. "The avenue to meet a friend." She raises her eye brow, probably thinking about how her daughter doesn't even have friends. Yes, I do. They're just all at college, and that's not what I want do. I have my expectations set higher. But, I haven't done anything to try and get that high.

"Be careful," is all she says before she walks off. I haven't seen her like I usually do. Yes, she works a lot. But now she's dressing up and going some where, then comes back with a huge smile on her face. Nothing wrong with her being happy, I just want to know what's making her happy. I never make her smile. Probably because I took away something she loved a few short years ago.

I grab my phone and jog down the stairs and out the front door. I try to take my mind off of my Da- "Josie." I look up and see some one who I thought was done with me. "Shawn?" I feel my breath hitch in my throat. "I cannot talk to you right now," I say. I feel like I'm suffocating. "Yes there is, it's important." I stop and take a deep breath.

"What is it?" My eyes are shut as I ask. "It's about us." I look at him confused, "there is no us. We broke up, remember?" He bites his lip. "It has to do with that, I made a mistake." I shake my head. No he didn't. "Shawn, stop. Leave. Find a girl who will make you happy. It's not me, go. Please." "But-"


The stern look on my face makes him realize he needs to go. I don't like being around him. It makes me feel horrible. All the bad energy is building up inside me, and I just want to let it out.

Why would he do that to me? Show up here and expect me to be okay? I have no reason to blame him, I need to stop. I was crying like a baby yesterday, so he probably just wanted to make sure I was okay. And I acted like a bitch.

Good job Josie.

I take my mind off Shawn the best I can and just go to the avenue. Noah is sitting on the bench by the front entrance, "hey." He looks up from his phone and smiles at me. "Why hello there Josie." I smile back and hug him. "Thank you for getting me out of the house." He hugs me back and whispers, "no problem."

That afternoon with Noah consisted of laughing at middle schoolers trying to be cool, drunk people not knowing where they are, and the stupid jokes Noah says. I need this. I needed the smile he's been putting on my face. It means a lot to me to know I have a friend like this. I've missed going out and doing stupid things with my friends. I miss a lot of things.

He throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side, "I had fun with your crazy ass." I laugh and he only smirks. "I had fun too, well, I didn't like seeing those 11 year olds making out. But it's good," I can't stop the giggles that escape my mouth. And it's the same for them, "they weren't even doing it right!" He has to yell in a way so he can get the sentence past his laughter. I just laugh along. And damn does it feel good to laugh.

"Are you hungry malady?" I nod, "yes, but I have no money so we can't get anything."

"I have money," he says. "Yeah, but I don't, so I can't get anything for myself." He laughs. "I'm buying it for you," "no."

He ignores my begs to not buy me something. I can't stand when people buy me stuff. I feel bad in so many ways. When I put on that dress he bought me I feel bad. But, it's still sweet he's buying shit for me.

I don't try and argue, I just huff. He puts his hand in my hand and ruffles it, I gasp. "Noah! Curly hair takes forever to situate!" I yell this. But he only laughs. I push him and cross my arms, "hey, don't act like that. I'm buying you food!" I can't help but laugh.

"Whatever." He puts his arm back around me, and I lean into his side. But, I still for some reason wish I was with Shawn right now.


It was a short chapter I know. But I need to update. It's been like a week.

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