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I know I'm young, and I know I'm still figuring things out. But that's the whole point, I can't show my life down for someone. I need to live my life and not worry if that one person is upset. Yeah, I know it's very selfish, but I can't help but think this. When I try to care for someone, it's ends badly. I'm slowly learning that some times you need to flip the switch and turn those emotions off, all they do is hold you back. Yeah sure, fall in love, can see straight cause you're bent backwards for some one. But I'm defiantly not putting that on my list of things to do.

All I want to do right now is go out and walk around town with my basically only friend, Noah. Me and him have been hanging out a lot lately, ever since I ended things with Shawn for good. Yes, it hurt like hell to see that face he made as I down right rejected him. But, it was for the best. We all need to see past all the lies and hurt to see the truth, and the truth is me and him would never work out. Shawn and I caused too much drama together. More like I did, but really. Who wants a relationship where all you did is beg? Where all you do is hurt? I know I don't.

But, I have not moved on. I still see Shawn's smile every time I close my eyes. And every time I day dream I'm either thinking about food or Shawn. He can't seem to leave my mind. No matter how much I tell my self all the things I've been ranting about I can't help but wonder. What if I stayed? What if I threw my arms around his neck and kiss him right there. Where would I be now? I can't help but think that maybe I did make a mistake. Maybe I should have at least tried again.

My thought get taken away when the door bell rings. I rush down stairs and open the door. My face holds a huge smile when I see Noah. "What up hoe!" He says and I can't help but pull him into a smile and laugh. "Where to first?" I ask. "A bar," he says with a smile. "But I'm not 21," I say confused. "But I am."

The guy at the front knew Noah so he let me in also, I promised I wouldn't drink. I'm not in the mood so I was telling the truth. "I'm gonna run to the bathroom, don't get into too much trouble," I roll my eyes at him before he walks off. I take a seat beside some guy, his back is turned and I don't pay too much attention to him. "Would you like something?" A lady comes up to me and asks me this. "No i'm fine, thank you though." She smiles and walks off.

Then the guy next to me turns to face me. And the guy happens to be Shawn, I practically feel my breath get caught in my throat. "Woah, you look a lot like this girl name Josie!" It takes me a moment to realize that he is drunk. Can you hurry up Noah?
Shawn has huge bags under his eyes, and he looks really tired. I've never seen him like this. "Josie is my ex girlfriend. I loved her, but she didn't love me!" He slams his fist down on the table and I jump slightly.

I don't say anything, I don't know what to say. "Ya know, I think about her a lot. She was a very, very, very good person. But ya know I messed it up! Sometimes I even cry about her. Sad right?" I'm left stunned. I don't know what to say. He demands for another beer. How is he even getting it all? Shawn isn't 21 either.

"Shawn stop," I say and take the beer bottle away from his lips. Seeing him like this is breaking my heart. "Woah," I hear some one say this from behind me. I turn my head and see Noah. "Were you shitting a damn zoo in there?" He laughs and takes a shot of what's in his hand. "We can't just leave him here, he can't drive home," Noah nods at my words and throws his arm around Shawn. "Come one buddy, we're going for a field trip."

Shawn looks confused and asks me, "Are we really?" I try my best to hold back the laughter. "Yeah, we are."

Noah helps me get Shawn in the car while he's singing at the top of his lungs. Yeah, and he doesn't sound good. "Well let's get going," Noah says with a fake smile. Pretending that he's totally excited to take care of a drunk Shawn.

"Okay, lets go."


Woah I have updated since last year!!!

I hate myself. Okay bye.

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