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   As soon as I enter my room, I take my cloths off. I hate getting my cloths soaking wet. But it was fun to mess around with Shawn like that, so I couldn't turn it down (don't think of that in a dirty way).

I didn't know I had been smiling until my face started to hurt. In so weird.
I start the shower and hop in a soon as it's hot. Shit this feels good. The ocean was colder than it usually is today, my luck.

Melanie Martinez play throw the speaker in my phone, and I mumble along with the lyrics.

'They call you crybaby crybaby, but you don't fucking care...'

I'm in love with Melanie, her songs speak to me so much. Most people would listen to it and think it's literally about a person who's a crybaby, or a doll, etc. But, if you actually listen, and see the depth of her songs, you'll fall in love too.

I turn the water off and step out of the shower. I wrap the pink towel around my body and wrap one around my head. As soon as I step out of the bathroom my room door comes flying open. I see my Mom and just wanna yell, "ever heard of knocking?" She rolls her eyes and takes a step in, then shuts the door behind her.

"How did it go?" Her grin is enough to make me laugh. "It was amazing. I'll tell you details later, now, may I get dressed?"
She nods and laughs, then leaves me. That was odd. She probably feels bad for not believing me or something.

I throw on a long baggy white t-shirt and grey sweat pants. I'm so cold right now, I think my heart is taking me over. That sounds really dumb, my heart does control me. And my brain. Okay I'm gonna shut up about that cause I sound stupid.

My phone comes into mind and I go back in the bathroom to get it.

Message from Shawn

I smile as I read his name that's across my phone. I open it and my smile grows wider.

I would call you, but I'm not sure you're awake. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed that little bit of time with you. You're a lot of fun! Haha. I was wondering if you would like to go eat breakfast some where tomorrow?

My fingers move fast across my screen as I type him back.

I enjoyed my time with you also Mendes :)) haha. And yes I would love to eat some one with you. But, I'm not on a diet, so I would like to get McDonald's.

I laugh a little at my reply. It's not that it's funny, it's just funny how stupid I really sound. Now I know why I don't have many friends.

McDonald's it is! See you tomorrow, I'll be there at about 9:30.. That ok?

Yes it is. Goodnight Shawn:)

Goodnight Josie:)

Wait, I just agreed to wake up early. Shit fucker. Shawn puts me in some trance and I don't even know what's going on. He would tell me to kill some one and I would be like awe, yeah of course Shawn!


I turn off my lamp and climb into bed. I shut my eyes and my body feels like it's slowly sinking into my very comfortable bed.


When my eyes open, they're greeted by the sun. I close my eyes and and sigh.
I don't wanna get up.

But then- "Shawn," I whisper. I sit up quickly, then get or of bed. I get up so fast I trip during the process. I check the time and it's 8:00 am. I about shit my pants.

I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth, when you have curly hair there's no real reason to brush it.
I throw on a tank top and shorts, it's hot outside.

As I'm slipping on my black sandals, I get a text from Shawn.
Bring your swimsuit, it says. I smile, then grab my favorite swim suit.


I laugh as Shawn throws up a piece of toast up in the air. The bread comes back down to smack him in the face, and my laughter grows strong. I feel my face heating up, and my stomach starts to hurt from all the laughter.

"Don't laugh at me!" Shawn whines. He sets his elbows on the table and leans his head onto his hands. I stop laughing and watch as a pout forms on his face. "Oh my God stop!" He shakes his head no and continues to pout.

"Are you done yet?" I ask with a giggle. "Yeah," he says then smiles. I give him a questioning look, like.. The point of that was? To look adorable? You do that all the time.

"Why do you want me to bring my swimsuit?"

"So we could swim." He tries to keep himself from smiling.

"Was that sarcasm? I meant where you dick head." He lets the laugh slip from his lips. "We're gonna go back to the beach," I smile at his words. "Don't do that."

I knit my eye brows together. "Don't do what?"

His eyes trail down to my lips, "that."

I realize my teeth are sunk in to my bottom lip. "Why?" The tension is real right now.
He shrugs his shoulders, and it becomes silent. Well, besides the chatter of the people around us.

"Well um, let's go swimming!" I say with a small smile, hoping to make it less awkward. He smiles and nods, then stand up from his chair. I do the same and follow him out the door.

"I need to change into my swimsuit." I say. "There's changing tents by the entrance."

I feel dumb for not knowing this, but I don't go to the beach much. At all. Not since I was 14, until the last time with Shawn. I don't really like to talk about why the beach makes me thoughts go into a sad area. But with Shawn, I push them aside.

Shawn guides me to the changing tents, and I see him go into the one next to me. There's only 3 changing tents, and they don't have doors, just thin cloth. So some one could yank it back and see my body at any moment. I don't like he thought of that.

I put on my swimsuit, some sunscreen, and I'm ready. I'm a little nervous to be this bare in front of Shawn. This is literally my only swimsuit, cause yeah, I don't get out much. 

As I walk out of the tent, I see Shawn standing a few feet away looking down at his phone. I slowly walk up to him. As I do so, I look at his chest. I gulp at the view, he's so built.

I clear my throat and he looks up at me. His eyes get wide quick, and I feel my cheeks heat up. A few silent moments past, and it's just him starring.


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