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Here I was again answering another phone call from victor to go out for brunch and shopping of course I wasn't gonna turn down a day of food and shopping. When I was with him I got a cheap thrill out of it temporarily happiness yeah it was always fun being with him but in the end was it all worth while...

Walking past a shoe store I looked at him and wondered why was I really with a guy like him he was just like every other nigga who claimed not to be like the others but was just as sneaky and only called me up when it was convenient for him yeah I...

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Walking past a shoe store I looked at him and wondered why was I really with a guy like him he was just like every other nigga who claimed not to be like the others but was just as sneaky and only called me up when it was convenient for him yeah I got things out of it but was it really worth it in a way hell yeah. Laughing to myself he looked over to me "what you laughing at" he asked "just a little joke I remembered" I said lying he laughed and said "so you weren't listening to anything I was saying" I shrugged when do I ever I inwardly rolled my eyes
"I'm just always in my head overthinking things"
"Well I was asking if you wanted to go out tonight you can bring some friends too" I nodded "yeah it'll be fun just text me the info later" I looked over my shoulder and signed "I have to go though so I'll see you" "Alright" he he said and gave me a hug before walking away to his car.
Later that day...
I sat on my bed half wet from getting out the shower thinking about what ima wear tonight I called Joey and Christina on my way home to see if they wanted to go out of course they didn't turn it down those two never miss a party and I honestly don't blame them. I wanna be free and live my best life too but with me it only happens every once in a while and lately I've been thinking a I need to get it together starting with the nigga I let waste my time.

Arriving to the club with Joey and Christina I was excited party especially since I haven't been out in the longest

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Arriving to the club with Joey and Christina I was excited party especially since I haven't been out in the longest. I felt like I was the only one excited to pop my ass and drink some drinks I'm rhythmless but when it came to having a good time I really didn't care getting out my head I heard shot clock by Ella mai come on so I started dancing and singing along. Joey pulled his phone out and started recording

"I could think about a hundred things I could be doin right now than wasting my time with you ok ok since you gotta have it your way ima start that clock on ya we gone see what's up" I sung along "you got 24seconds and it's starting right now SHOT...

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"I could think about a hundred things I could be doin right now than wasting my time with you ok ok since you gotta have it your way ima start that clock on ya we gone see what's up" I sung along "you got 24seconds and it's starting right now SHOT CLOCK" I sipped on my drink listening to the lyrics and thinking how this song related to the situation I'm in now with victor "I really hope they don't play that burnt out ass song of hers" Christina shouted so I could hear her over the music I laughed shaking my head "what song" "girl boo'd up , everyone over play that song so annoying" Joey nodded in agreement "where ya boo at" he asked changing the subject I shrugged not really knowing or caring he asked "how he gone invite you out and not show up..TRASH" he said out loud. I wasn't really trippin but it seemed like he was talked up right when he said that I seen him enter the club with a few friends.
"Sorry I was late I got caught up"
"It's cool" I replied
Twisted by keith sweat started playing I just let the music hit me and started dancing on victor and I can tell he was feeling it.
All I thought to myself was am I getting dick tonite?


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