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                                       Victor Stepping out the shower grabbing a towel putting it around my waist I walk out the bathroom into my bedroom "GoodMorning" she smiled "Morning" I walked over to our bed kissing her on the lips "why didn...

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Stepping out the shower grabbing a towel putting it around my waist I walk out the bathroom into my bedroom "GoodMorning" she smiled "Morning" I walked over to our bed kissing her on the lips "why didn't you wake me to a shower with you" "you looked so peaceful" I smiled pulling on some boxer briefs and slipping in bed right next to her, she laid her head on my chest I grabbed my phone texting karrueche "GoodMorning" with a kissy face. Not getting a reply right away I put my phone on the nightstand "so what are we doing today? Maybe we can do brunch since your mom has Kennedy" nic asked "yeah that'll be cool let's take a nap before then tho" she nodded holding me tight

 Not getting a reply right away I put my phone on the nightstand "so what are we doing today? Maybe we can do brunch since your mom has Kennedy" nic asked "yeah that'll be cool let's take a nap before then tho" she nodded holding me tight

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Today was the day. I got a text from trey yesterday saying we can have a two day double date I agreed to it without telling karrueche and I was pretty nervous about it we'll be doing dinner tonight and going to the state fair tomorrow which seemed pretty cool. I got dressed in something simple but still had me feeling like I was showing out I guess that's what fashion nova do. Locking up and heading to my car I called karrueche seeing if she was ready since I was picking her up she didn't pick up and I got a text saying "I'm busy call back later" which could only mean she still getting ready. Arriving to her place unlocking her door with the spare key she gave me a few months ago seeing her finishing up her makeup "hey" She said looking threw the mirror standing up "owe for someone who didn't wanna go out on this date sure is dressing to impress" I smirked texting trey to get the address of the place we're eating at he texted back 'Providence' getting in the car searching the place up for the address looking at the reviews and stuff "OH HE GOT MONEY" I said loud karrueche buckled her seat belt and snatched my phone looking at the place "it's cute" she said handing it back. About 20 minutes later we arrived parking getting out heading towards the entrance "wait take a picture of me real quick" kae said shimmying her dress.

 About 20 minutes later we arrived parking getting out heading towards the entrance "wait take a picture of me real quick" kae said shimmying her dress

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"Ahhh my best friend fine asf" she cheesed as she pushed me towards the entrance. Once I seen the inside my mouth dropped "I know you lying" I said to myself hearing karrueche giggle "why the fuck the outside look like it's some type of apartment duplex"

 Once I seen the inside my mouth dropped "I know you lying" I said to myself hearing karrueche giggle "why the fuck the outside look like it's some type of apartment duplex"

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"It's still looks nice" she whispers to me ignoring her and walking up to the restaurant receptionist before I could say anything trey called my name waving his head in a come here motion

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"It's still looks nice" she whispers to me ignoring her and walking up to the restaurant receptionist before I could say anything trey called my name waving his head in a come here motion. Grabbing karrueche's had I go to where he's standing and he takes us to a private room area that looks even better "wow this place is so nice" "thank you, I own it" smiling while in secret pinching kae's wrist I knew she was looking at me like I was stupid but when he said that I just knew I hit the jackpot call it how you see it I don't care. Karrueche finally speaking up asking where's his friend "he's running a little late he'll be here in no time ,you two are looking beautiful tonight" "thank you" we said at the same time sitting down next to each other while he sat across from us. "Hey sorry I'm late" we all turned around "Chris??" Karrueche asked confused

Karrueche As soon as I seen him my heart speed up and my knees got weak he looked so good

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As soon as I seen him my heart speed up and my knees got weak he looked so good. "Hey" he smiled walking and sitting right in front of me "ain't it a small world" I shook my head fast in a yes motion "yeah it is" he took his hat off looking at the menu "yo- your hair is blue" "yeah you like it" he asked I nodded "yeah it's different reminds me of fun dip" I smiled he laughed "thank you, I try to be as different as I can be" "UMM excuse me how do y'all know each other" Christina asked interrupting our conversation "I'm his trainer" I replied they all nodded "since y'all know each other me and Christina will move a few chairs down and y'all stay right there" trey said without us saying anything they moved the waiter came in taking our orders. I order the broiled miso black cod and Chris got the California Spiny Lobster "how have you been since we last seen each other" I asked "good good... I have an art show coming up so I been kinda just focusing on that" "wow that's interesting I've always wanted to go to an art show or a museum but never had the chance to" "really??" He asked surprised I nodded "you should come check my place out sometime" smiling "I'd love that"



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Chris outfit ^^

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