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few days later

Chris and trey took the morning to chill and play basketball with a few friends they then took a break going to sit on the chairs that was by the wall as the rest continued to play "so what's been going on man I see you finally got out the house" "too much man" trey responded to chris "some bitch fucked around and gave me clap so I gotta slow down man" Chris started laughing "nigga what" "yeah man some bitch gave me chlamydia can't blame nobody but myself I'm just glad it wasn't nothing worse" Chris shook his head laughing at his friend and his current situation.
"Now on to you, how's dad life been treating you"
Chris immediately stops laughing and now has a small smile on his face "when I first found out I was going to be a dad i thought it was going to be hard but now that I'm spending time with her it's great the baby momma situation on the other hand is pure drama" he shook his head not going into details agnes and chris had a serious conversation the day she picked up chasity from his house basically putting it out there that she wants to work out a situation where they would possibly get back together for the sake of their child he of course turned her down because he is already currently with karrueche and agnes knew that but of course she didn't care. And of course karrueche had a right to worry about agnes from day one because agnes always gets what she wants when she wants it chris knew the conversation about getting back together wasn't over he was just glad karrueche wasn't there when it happened.

 And of course karrueche had a right to worry about agnes from day one because agnes always gets what she wants when she wants it chris knew the conversation about getting back together wasn't over he was just glad karrueche wasn't there when it h...

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The splendid thing about falling apart silently...is that you can start over as many times as you like..
A quote I read in a book once before and now I'm living by it isn't life a crazy thing. My life seems to be currently going in a fast pace at the moment bad things are constantly happening to me as if I'm the one that's toxic in the situation. The beginning of everything always seems to be great until it gets to the middle to end whether it's a relationship or a friendship I always end up being the one to get fucked over when all I do is give what the fuck I gotta go to live the best life I want to live. Signing. I walked to the mirror taking a picture sending it to chris adding a message attached to the picture
"miss you, pizza night cap??" All that I want right now is his company he didn't reply right away so I figured he's either at his shop or with his daughter I couldn't dare think that he'd be out doing something shady especially since he's been stressing but what man wouldn't ease their mind by cheating why am I even thinking that far overthinking once again. He finally replied easing my worried mind sending a video

Saying "you look good" the infamous twitter video with the two guys I couldn't help but giggle and watch it a few more times as the three dots popped up again in came another message "I'm not home, I'm at trey's house but if you stay up I'll come ...

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Saying "you look good" the infamous twitter video with the two guys I couldn't help but giggle and watch it a few more times as the three dots popped up again in came another message "I'm not home, I'm at trey's house but if you stay up I'll come through" of course I was gonna stay up the way he looked in the video he sent had me wanting some dick I wasn't gonna turn down seeing him "call me when you get here I'll take a power nap" next thing I knew I had a incoming call from him "why you need a power nap" he asked in a husky voice I just knew he had a smirk on that freckle face of his "I need to be energized for when you get here" I hear him chuckling he knew exactly what I needed energy for he was about to say something when I hear someone in the background calling his name "aight take ya nap I gotta go I'll be there though love you bye" he hung up before I can say it back after that I just knew I wasn't going to get the dick I deserved.

"Going out sad once again" I said to myself laying down.

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