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Today was interesting and fun to say the least we went hiking by a water fall which turned into zip lining and we just came back from rhythms of the night which was basically just a restaurant but they have live performances and stuff

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Today was interesting and fun to say the least we went hiking by a water fall which turned into zip lining and we just came back from rhythms of the night which was basically just a restaurant but they have live performances and stuff. Now here we were back at our hotel room in the bath tub together relaxing and talking about some weird stuff that had me thinking deep, I can honestly say no guy is like chris he's definitely one of a kind. He grabbed my feet massaging them how can we get so far with each other without either one of us bringing up the topic of us even getting together in an actual relationship I wanted and I knew he did too it's been two months since the victor and Christina thing happened and one month since he came over 3 in the morning wanting to talk and we ended up fucking, closing my eyes and sinking more into the tub I moaned he was going to work on my feet it felt amazing. Hearing him laugh I opened one eye closing back he stopped massaging my feet "Hey Chris" "yeah" he replied "you know your strange right" I said opening my eyes to look at him "but I guess that's why I find you so irresistible" I said continuing before he could say anything "Ms Tran are you flattering me because I'm naked and you want some good dick" he asked in a flirtatious voice " WHAT NO" I said fast laughing off what he said "when can I get my painting" I said changing the subject "I actually made two so you'll get them both when we get back to LA" nodding I get up and get out of the bath tub walking to the shower since I was getting wrinkles on my fingers a few minutes later chris did the same letting the water out of the tub and joining me in the shower. "Why aren't we exactly dating yet" I blurted out facing him he went pale "um i don't know"


After she asked me why we weren't together the whole vibe changed because I didn't give her an answer she wanted to hear, I was just caught off guard by the whole thing I mean she's been giving me signs of her wanting more but I didn't know exactly what to do or say when she finally asked. I got out the shower before her now I'm in bed I heard the shower turn off a few minutes ago she's now walking out with one of my shirts and some little grey shorts with her wet hair in a low bun she walked over to her side of the bed getting in the covers. I finally spoke up because I didn't like the energy "please don't overthink or analyze" she looked over at me "you know I am, I've been trying so hard to fight it I cant deny how I'm feeling anymore" "then don't I was just a little caught off by the question you know i want you, shit should've been known since last month but the point is you want me I want you so do you want to be my girl and make this whole thing official" I asked "I do" she said hovering over me then we kissed "you know now that your my girl ima have a tight grip on you I aint ever losing you cause you been riding for me as I've been riding for you just know there's no other love ima find, so let me make this clear love I aint going no where" "I'm not looking for an exit" she said kissing me again.


He act like he need reminding with what happened two days, trying to do it over bring it back and rewind it I now get how kae was so blinded I should of never gave him my heart why the hell am I falling in love so fast any damn way. I cant believe the lies that I went for, I thought he was mine but he decided to go with her he took my feelings and just threw them out the window that night he gone play with my emotions just because. He texted me earlier today I just knew he wanted to get his dick wet like always but he wasn't gonna get it from me I don't wanna get my hopes high. But I'm having one of them nights where I'm reminiscing, sipping ,missing him. The fucking nerve he got to say he want and miss me but then gone switch it up when its not convent for him I hate niggas. Sipping on my wine I know I needed a reality check so I called the realist person I know joey he answered on the last ring "hello" he answered in a groggy voice I told him everything about what's been going on with me and trey and how I apologized to kae and Nicole

He laughed "oh girl it's good you apologizing for what you could've prevented and KARAMA,KARMA he sang she's a bad bitch I tell ya" he paused for a second "ima just tell you this now because I care and it seem like your life is falling apart"

"You need to find yourself, when you do you need to go see if you can get custody of YOUR child and love her become a momma she deserves and I tell you once you do that everything will fall into place babygirl" we hung up after that I just broke down and cried because he was absolutely right.


                                      TanayaIm over here on the phone with dia and draya laughing to the full extent to where my stomach hurt I'm just so weak I'm over here getting free dick and meals and shopping sprees and breaking up relationsh...

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Im over here on the phone with dia and draya laughing to the full extent to where my stomach hurt I'm just so weak I'm over here getting free dick and meals and shopping sprees and breaking up relationships while dia over here crushing over a nigga that's not giving her the time of day. Laughing lauding in the phone "you need to get on the winning team and learn from a pro, niggas gone be niggas so you gotta pull a him on him" Not sure if trey fucking other woman but as of since he tried to play me with that other bitch he not the only one I'm fucking. "I'm good sis, I can tell he different from all these other niggas and he look like he got some good dick" I agreed he did look like he'll get you addicted draya spoke up "Chris is different he already had his phase to fucking just any bitch now he wanna settle especially after his last relationship" "what happened" me and dia said at the same time "that's a story for another time, but all ima say is dia watch out for ole girl he been kicking it with once he with a girl he there for the long run" "do you really wanna settle though dia" I asked "It depends" "be a butterhead don't give a fuck about nothing but ya bread until you feel like you ready"

                                      Nicole It's been a week and two days since victor got locked up for harassing and stalking that little girl he was messing with behind my back and being away from him has been like a vacation

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It's been a week and two days since victor got locked up for harassing and stalking that little girl he was messing with behind my back and being away from him has been like a vacation. I actually got some things done like moving out of the house, getting the divorce papers ready to sign, and telling my daughter how things were gonna be for now on. I was only picking him up so he can sign the paperwork since we gonna he passing the court house and to tell him how shit finna be me moving out the house to him only having Kennedy on Saturday and Sunday. Arriving to the station he was already outside smoking a cigarette he is so fucking gross he is definitely letting himself go honking the horn he turned around flicking his cigarette on the floor and walking to the car getting in "you stink" I said rolling down the windows "I just got outta jail and smoked what the fuck do you expect nicole" he said in a nonchalant tone might as well get the shot over with while he in his mood "so um I got the divorce papers ready and I was hoping you'll sign them right now so I can drop them off" I said starting the car he looked over at me

"I'm not signing shit, why would I divorce you we gone work this shit out" laughing to myself I shook my head "where not, I moved out and everything and I only want you to contact me if it's for Kennedy you'll also just have her for Saturday and Sunday if you want to debate we can go to court" I said pulling off heading to his house I was hoping he took the hard way ion need his money but honey ima milk this shit as much as I can.

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