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Woke up this morning to go meditate it seems to be good for the soul I was interrupted by my phone ringing it's my mom "hello" I answered "Karrueche đó là anh trai của bạn (it's your brother)" she said in a frantic tone and of course I started to ...

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Woke up this morning to go meditate it seems to be good for the soul I was interrupted by my phone ringing it's my mom "hello" I answered "Karrueche đó là anh trai của bạn (it's your brother)" she said in a frantic tone and of course I started to panic "what happened" "he he got someone pregnant" she broke down crying a sign of relief "he's just now finding out and the little girl is four, he's too young" "wait what do you mean she's three" I asked getting confused "yes she came crying to MY house with the little girl looking dirty we took a dna test and it's his" I was shocked my brother was busting nuts at 15

"I need help figuring this out, I think she got kicked out and is now living on the street I don't know what to do" "I'll um try to come home tomorrow" "thank you, Anh yêu em" " I love you too bye mama" I said hanging up

Walking down the beach to get back to the hotel I made it back to the room within 15 minutes opening the door I see Chris walking out the bathroom
"Hey" I said smiling walking in closing the door "good morning beautiful" he said walking up to me kissing me on the forehead "it's not morning anymore" wrapping my arms around him "where did you go" he asked

"I went out to meditate, then I was interrupted by my mom calling she needs my help back at home" "why what happened" he asked in a worried tone "nothing serious its just my brother got a girl pregnant now they have a three year old and she might be living on the street" I said shrugging a little he started to laugh "why you so nonchalant why she back in la stressing" "cause they know for a fact its his so she's gonna have to deal with it, he's gonna have to step up start working and get the girl and baby off the street" he nodded letting me go walking to the bed slipping on socks "so when we gotta leave" "tomorrow"

Next day @ 3am.....

We started packing up all our stuff to make it to our 4 o clock flight, once we got finished we went straight to the air port they were boarding our plane a few mintues earlier so we got on.

We both slept the threw the three hour flight back home, chris ordered a Lyft lux we had to stop at his place first the lyft driver was helpful with bringing our bags to the door. Once Chris settled in a bit he put my stuff in the trunk of his car and we headed to my place. It was only 7:30am once we arrived to my place so we decided to get comfortable until I go see my mom.
"are you gonna go to your shop today" I asked knowing he should go check up on it "yeah but I'm sure everything's cool I asked my homie lucas to check on it here and there while I was gone" nodding in understanding "do you want to go with me to my moms and we'll check on your shop together so I can  finally see my paintings" I asked morning my eyebrows
"Aight, is she cooking" "she should be" shrugging I suggested we nap until 12

At 1pm
We arrived to my mom block and see there was no parking by her house so we parked down the street

Walking up the street to my mom house I notice I got a group chat text imessage with joey, erin, and christina in it I rolled my eyes ignoring it

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Walking up the street to my mom house I notice I got a group chat text imessage with joey, erin, and christina in it I rolled my eyes ignoring it. Arriving to my mom house we walked up the semi long drive way to her door chris knocked and about a minute later she answered "Hi, I'm so glad you guys are here and its finally nice to meet you" she said going in for a hug with chris they pulled away few seconds later "come in, come in" she said stepping to the side as chris and I walked in but she stopped me "there in the living room but the little girl is sleeping in your old room" nodding I grabbed chris hand leading up to the living room while my mom locked up, seeing my little brother ray sitting with the girl they were whispering until he noticed me and chris we sat across from them on the other couch.

"hi my name is tai" she said extending her hand I shook it "karrueche, and this is my boyfriend chris"i said letting go of her hand she was a pretty girl and she had manners "oh and chris this is my brother Raymond" they exchanged hellos as my mom walked in sitting next to me grabbing my hand "oh and my mom name is cindy" I whispered to chris before my mom cut me off "so now that you've meet, I will just like for tai to tell us her situation and if your wondering why my daughter is here she's just going to be helping"

Tai nodded and began to talk "well um me and ray went to school together and we you know a couple of times and I got pregnant, I didn't tell him because I didn't know what I was gonna do but I did tell my parents and my dad wanted me to get rid of it he's very strict and once the day came I didn't want to do it so he kicked me out but my mom sent e to my grandmas and she took care of me and Brooklyn but then she didn't want us there anymore so we lived here and there" my mom squeezed my hand "well I'm definitely  not gonna kick you guys out on the street but I want you and ray to get a job to support her" "we will mom, we were just discussing this" ray finally spoke up "good" my said nodding

My mom went in the kitchen to finish cooking, ray was watching tv while chris was on his phone tai was just sitting there awkwardly "so tai what type of job are you thinking of apply for" I asked "I didn't get to graduate so maybe stripping since its the only job I can possibly get" chris and ray looked at her "maybe you should do adult school and apply to different jobs I can use some help but I'm not sure if I can pay you much since I'm a personal trainer" I shrugged

My mom went in the kitchen to finish cooking, ray was watching tv while chris was on his phone tai was just sitting there awkwardly "so tai what type of job are you thinking of apply for" I asked "I didn't get to graduate so maybe stripping since ...

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Checking up on chris shop one last time for him since he back out here I put his new packages in the back, I heard the bell ring indicating that someone just came in walking back to the front I roll my eyes seeing its that broad from the act class that's keep asking when chris coming back.

As soon as she seen me she rolled her eyes shit same I'm tired of seeing her coming to ask the same shit, maybe I need to come to his Thursday seasons "he's not back" I leaned back on the front desk "he is but why you needa know for shawty" "I got my reasons" she said walking out winking. About 10 minutes later chris walked in with some girl "aye what's up bro" he said what's up introducing me to his girl he went to the back and came back with two paintings that was covered up in bubble wrap "you can unravel them when you get home" she nodded "ay bro some girl dia been coming in everyday since you left she came in not that long ago" "who" he asked frowning "some girl in ya painting class" I said laughing "ill see who it is tomorrow" I nodded "that'll make two of us" "three" his girl spoke up whew she seem like the shy type but when its time for it shell dog you out. He changed the subject asking if I was going to trey party of course he got all the fine hoes.


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