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Agnes As I finished telling Joyce everything she called chris to come over not really stating why or else I'm pretty sure he would've disobeyed her and I don't blame him I wouldn't wanna see me either

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As I finished telling Joyce everything she called chris to come over not really stating why or else I'm pretty sure he would've disobeyed her and I don't blame him I wouldn't wanna see me either. I was terrified to see what his reaction would be to the news I had for him would he hate me more then before, would he forgive me for all that I've done so many things ran through my mind as we waited for him to arrive.

20 minutes later..

Seeing chris walk into the living room made me nervous as hell he looked over at me rolling his eyes he stood by the couch his mom was now sitting on "why am I here" he asked in an unbothered tone I just wanted to get this shit over with so I spoke up before Joyce could "you're here to meet your daughter" "my what" he asked starting to laugh in disbelief. His mother was now telling him to sit down next to her so he could take everything in "yes, the day after I left you I found out I was pregnant and um I went to see you that day but instead I see you leaving Sydney all together ignoring me walking down the highway"
"What the hell did you expect" he questioned me
"You left me not giving me a reason why and the best you could come up with was a sorry and how you were crazy about me yet you didn't want me to be an distraction now you talking bout I got a fucking kid THREE YEARS LATER ON TOP OF THAT" he stood up I can tell he was getting pissed from the veins that was popping from his forehead
"I don't blame you for being mad, she's just at that age where she needs her father in her life" "are you fucking stupid, did she not need me three years ago when she was born" he stood there mad
5 minutes went by with not one of us saying a word just silence I get that I'm a bitch for putting him through what I put him through and keeping his first child away from him for so long.
"Her name is chasity, she's upstairs sleeping right now but maybe you can have her for the day and I'll pick her up tomorrow in the afternoon you can do whatever you want I even give you permission to get her tested if you don't believe she's yours but that girl is your twin don't deny her because of me" he nodded ignoring me and going up stairs I took it as a sign for me to leave "I'm so sorry for bringing this drama to your house Joyce maybe one day he'll understand and we'll be able to talk everything out like adults" she nodded hugging me "everything will be fine, it'll work out for the best give it time"

Walking into my old room I see a now awoke chasity sitting in the middle of the bed I just stood at the door staring at her apart of me wanted to doubt that I actually have a daughter but just seeing her now she's a little girl version of me.
"Go talk to her" my mom said behind me in a whisper "hi, I'm uh chris" I said walking up to the bed sitting next to her "hi"she said in a shy tone looking at my mom then me again  "where's my mommy" hearing her voice warmed my heart "she left but she'll be back tomorrow do you want me to call her" my mom asked her "yes please" she looked down at her hands as started to fiddle with them as my mom called agnes they talked then she handed the phone to chasity "mommy" she questioned not sure what she was saying on the phone but chasity looked at me "okay, love you too" she then handed the phone back to my mom she walked out the room
I then got a call from karrueche "hello" I answered "hey I just landed are you picking me up" I looked over to chasity staring at me "yeah I'll be there in a few" after that I hung up asking chasity if she want to go for a ride she shook her head in a yes motion
Walking downstairs I told my mom I'm taking chasity with me and I'll see her later tonight or in the morning I mean why not spend time with her if she is mine looks could be deceiving but I doubt agnes would do all this if chasity wasn't mine I'll definitely keep testing to see if she's mine an option.

An hour later at the hotel..

Where now back at the hotel I'm staying at and the whole car ride from picking kae up was quite she didn't ask questions about chasity she just kept quite looking back at her every once in a while. We all got out of the car I got one of her bags as she got the smaller one chasity held her own little bag as I held one of her hands
Making it to the room chasity and I walked to the living room part putting the stuff we had in our hands on the floor before sitting on the couch before picking kae up we had a conversation agnes told her who I was over the phone so that's why she was just staring at me she's a little shy but I think she'll get use to me if we spend more time together.
I turned on the tv and went to cartoons not sure what she liked watching but she seemed to be interested in what was on karrueche walked in sitting next to me I figured it was time to fill her in on what's happening.

I turned on the tv and went to cartoons not sure what she liked watching but she seemed to be interested in what was on karrueche walked in sitting next to me I figured it was time to fill her in on what's happening

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Looking at myself in the mirror I didn't know how and what to think I'm just not comprehending with what's happening in my life right now. One second I thought everything was going great but now I just don't know all I do know is how much shit is about to change am I about to become a step mom or just a friend not saying me and chris is getting married but I guess that's how people feel when there dealing with someone with a kid, Or is he going back to his ex to try to become a family for the sake of chasity.
It's a feeling I can't explain I don't know if I want to cry, be happy for him or just leave all together guess I'll have to figure it out as the day goes by.
Walking out of the bathroom to the living room I see a sleeping chris and chasity so I turned the tv off

Quietly going out to the balcony I sat down on the chair that was out here looking up at the moon and stars I felt calm in a way the view was amazing

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Quietly going out to the balcony I sat down on the chair that was out here looking up at the moon and stars I felt calm in a way the view was amazing.
My thoughts play on repeat only comfort that I've been keeping cause in the moment I'll will be something he'll forget maybe I'm just worried because tables are turning.
Hearing the glass door slide open I continued to look at the night sky "hey, you good out here" I nodded "yeah I took the time to think of what you said your words just dancing in my head" "tell me what's on your mind how are you feeling about everything" he asked me pulling up a chair I must be honest I have a lot of pride but I feel like I'm breaking inside why the hell am I such a bitch and yet so fragile.
I'm just scared about how all this is gonna play out like you leaving me it's all just shifting my focus is what I wanted to say "how I'm feeling it doesn't matter cause you know I'm okay, how are you feeling how are you gonna handle all of this?" I asked concerned "I'm good as long as I got you by my side to handle all of this" hearing him say that was such a relief I couldn't help but hug him

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