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2weeks passed and it's been 2whole weeks since the whole double date with Christina and every since that night me and Chris been hanging out nonstop today during his lunch we're going out for ice cream. Leaving the house locking up heading towards my car driving straight to his art shop 'My little secret' by Xscape came on followed by 'Just kickin it' enjoying my little 20 minute concert arriving at Chris shop I park in front getting out and heading inside seeing him walking towards me "let's go" he said turning back around getting in the car seeing him locking up 'Who can I run to' came on singing along "And my mind is so confusing who would be that special one" "you in your feelings today" he asked "shut up" I said laughing "I found this little cute ice cream shop on Instagram named bunns we could go there" "I just hope it ain't one of those vegan shops you been wanting me to try with you" I didn't say anything because it was they Instagram page was just really cute and everything was pink "I knew it" he said shaking his head arriving to the place "well look it's too late we're already here don't be big mad it'll be yummy" locking the doors heading inside I wanted something strawberry so that's exactly what I got. Chris got cookies and cream. "Hey take a picture" "ready" I looked up and boom he didn't even let me get ready "it looks fine" he smiled "let me see"

"AHHH fuck Chris this shit is sooo good" he smirked at me "yeah it do look good" licking his lips I rolled my eyes laughing "are you

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"AHHH fuck Chris this shit is sooo good" he smirked at me "yeah it do look good" licking his lips I rolled my eyes laughing "are you..." getting interrupted by a call from victor I answered "hello" "hey baby you busy today" I thought for a second looking at Chris "yeah I am actually why what's up" I asked "I wanted to see you I've been missing you and it sort of seems like you been ignoring me have you" "no I just been busy with work and stuff" I said semi lying "oh ok are you free tomorrow I wanna kiss you and lay up" he said "um I'll have to see but I have to go I'll text you" I said hanging up not letting him get another word in "what's that all about" Chris asked "way too complicated but we don't need that now" I said getting frustrated " we can go to my crib and chill I'm down if your down" "ok but what about your shop" "it's closed for the day, now give me your keys" hanging him my keys we got in the car him driving to his house relaxing and looking out the window not saying anything the whole ride there finally making it he got out with me following right behind him he locked the car doors before unlocking his door letting me in first going to sit down on his white couch a minute later he comes behind me "ima change get comfortable" I nodded taking off my yellow cardigan I sit back laying my head on the soft cushion. About maybe 5 minutes passed Chris came and laid down on his window seat.

I sat up and I couldn't help but stare at him he looked over at me "I didn't know you had back tattoos" "yeah I have two" I said getting up sitting next to him with my legs in a criss cross position

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I sat up and I couldn't help but stare at him he looked over at me "I didn't know you had back tattoos" "yeah I have two" I said getting up sitting next to him with my legs in a criss cross position. " I have pictures wanna see" I asked "Hell yeah" looking for the pictures I took about 3years who when I first got them I showed him one of my favorites "Can I feature you in one of my paintings for the art show or maybe just for fun you can have it afterwards" I nodded smiling big "yes that'll be so cool" sending him the picture I put my phone down next to me I looked up at him and I couldn't help but look at him laying down with dick just popping out of his blue sweat pants "you like what you see" "I uh" shaking my head while laughing " I mean it's a great view with the backyard and pretty flowers so yes I do like what I see" I rambled on "you know these passed two weeks with us just hanging out nonstop has been amazing" he added "I agree even tho I have a whole ass man" I said giggling he laughed as well "man I feel like I'm the side nigga now which I don't mind cause spending my time with you just makes me feel good inside" " I feel where your coming from" I said looking down at my hands with all honestly when I'm with him everything just feels better but I have to remember who I'm really with.

 " I have pictures wanna see" I asked "Hell yeah" looking for the pictures I took about 3years who when I first got them I showed him one of my favorites "Can I feature you in one of my paintings for the art show or maybe just for fun you can have...

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I've been having nothing but time lately and I've been realizing how sneaky vic has been lately noticing things I've never noticed before like taking calls when I walk out the room putting his phone face down on the table texting on the low. I'm gonna keep my mouth closed for now but all I know is he better not be stepping out on his family for one of these little hoes or me and his daughter is gone.
Calling one of my good friends seeing if she wanted to go out shopping or something telling her I'll meet her there. An hour drive parking in a near by parking structure walking towards rodeo drive I see her walking to where I said we'll meet "CHRISTINA" I shouted she turned around smiling "hey girl how have you been" "I've been" I said "oh no what's happening" she asked "I don't know really everything was good until I started noticing thing Vic has just been so secretive lately maybe he's always been like this and I'm just now noticing" "what if he's stepping out on you what would you do" a curious Christina asked "I'll definitely leave" shaking my head "we've been together for 7 years and married for 3 and we have a 6 year old daughter together we didn't move fast or anything this is what he wanted" I said in a panicking tone christina hugged me "calm down all I can suggest is keep an close eye and plot on this nigga always believe in ya gut feelings sis"

 An hour drive parking in a near by parking structure walking towards rodeo drive I see her walking to where I said we'll meet "CHRISTINA" I shouted she turned around smiling "hey girl how have you been" "I've been" I said "oh no what's happening"...

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Here I was thinking how much of a bitch I was once I left nicole. I knew karrueche first and I held one of the biggest secrets ever from her I went to Nicole's wedding I'm her fucking daughter god mother for fucks sake I knew every single thing these ladies went and are going through with this man I gave them both advice on situations and now all I can think about is how close they both are getting to figuring shit out and I just really hope I don't get caught up in the mix of it all. Sitting outside in treys backyard balcony with his dog Kane in my lap I couldn't help but think bad thoughts and know that shit was gonna come and bite me in the ass "hey you hungry" trey asked interrupting my thoughts "no I'm not but can you come sit I need some advice" he sat down next to me waiting for me to say something, rubbing Kane's back in soft motions "what would you do if you knew two people were dating the same man and one of them were your bestfriend and the other was just a friend and you sorta went to her wedding with the guy" I asked semi telling on my self . He looked shook for a second after clearing his throat "I'd tell my best friend what's going down without a doubt but did the wedding happen before or after he meet ya bestfriend" "he was already married before they meet" he shook his head in a disapproving motion he signed "I just hope you ain't talking bout ya homegirl kae she seems good to you what would you do if the roles were switched just think about it and tell whoever it is before it's too late" after he said that he walked away with more shit to think about then before.

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