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ChrisNever would I have thought I'd be falling for a girl that's already in a relationship

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Never would I have thought I'd be falling for a girl that's already in a relationship. From what I've seen so far she's different from all these other hoes especially the ones I'd like to fuck when I wanted a one night stand. Seeing trey entering my shop surprised me especially since he been all boo'd up with karrueche friend "wassup nigga" I asked he looked at me with a stressed look "damn bro she stressing you out already it haven't even been three weeks yet" I said laughing to myself "he shook his head "man Christina asked me for so advice yesterday and I think it's about ya girl but that's none of my business it's just been on my mind since then though" giving him my full attention I gave him a hand gesture telling him to continue with what he was saying " so she came over from hanging out with one of her friends, she asked me what would I do if you knew two people was fucking with the same guy and one of it was ya bestfriend and the other one was ya friend and got married to em" he paused then continued with his country accent " I told her I'd tell my bestfriend and asked did her bestfriend started messing with him before or after she said after and I'm just like why would she let her bestfriend mess around with a married man if she knew I knew she was talking bout karrueche I put two in two together bro this shit ain't right and her just asking me for advice I feel like it's heavy on my conscious since I know y'all talking or whatever" "damn" I signed running my hands down my face "I'm not gonna say nothing man and you shouldn't either if you don't know anything forsure" I said "I was just with her yesterday she seemed the same so I guess she don't know shit yet, for the past few weeks it seemed like I was her nigga" trey laughed "man y'all might as well get together I'm surprised y'all ain't kiss or nothing yet" "me too it did feel like something was gonna happen yesterday though but um I was up all night painting this painting for my art show that's next week it's sorta just for her tho" I said going to get the painting from the back turning it around and showing him the finishing product.

 Seeing trey entering my shop surprised me especially since he been all boo'd up with karrueche friend "wassup nigga" I asked he looked at me with a stressed look "damn bro she stressing you out already it haven't even been three weeks yet" I said...

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"FALLING IN LOVE" he shouted walking around in circles "bro falling in love" he questioned looking at me "I know what I just said but you can't be falling in love with ole girl just yet" he said in a serious tone I signed walking to the back putting the painting away he was right in a way I can't be falling in love with someone whose in a relationship with a possibly married man. A few hours passed trey left I had the shop open for another hour or so just as I was about to lock up karrueche came rushing in "are you okay" I asked worried "No! Not at all I was with victor today and someone named nic was blowing up his phone and he wouldn't tell me who it was the only thing I can think of is he's cheating" she rambled while I started to lock up "oh damn for real" I said in a sarcastic tone hoping she didn't catch it. She continued saying something but I ignored her I know I probably shouldn't want this so bad but it's weighing on me and I'm undecided. Walking up to her grabbing her face and kissing her I got excited feeling like sparks were flying I knew I shouldn't be doing this but here I was kissing a woman who's in a relationship with a married man. As we both pulled away from a heated kiss I was indecisive as to what I was gonna do next as she just stared at me I wondered what her next move was gone be.

 As we both pulled away from a heated kiss I was indecisive as to what I was gonna do next as she just stared at me I wondered what her next move was gone be

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Sitting in my dark bedroom waiting for victor to come home all I knew was as soon as he walked in this room he was about to have it. Looking at the led clock it just hit 10:00pm hearing up put the code in the alarm system then his foot steps moving to sit on his side so as soon as he walks in he'd see me he opened the door turning the light on jumping as if I scared him when he seen me "damn woman why you in dark" "just waiting on you so you can give me some sorry ass excuse as to why you been ignoring my calls all day" I said in a calm tone "what are you talking about" he asked taking off his shirt "no keep that shit on cause I can already tell your on some bullshit vic acting like you don't understand what the hell I just said your black you only know English" "wow nic did you just go there" "I sure did anyway your gonna be real with me tonight or me and ya daughter gonna be gone by tomorrow" I pestered him "FINE YOU WANNA KNOW WHATS REALLY GOING ON" he yelled "YEAH KEEP IT REAL FOR ONCE" I yelled back "I'm fucking ya bestfriend homegirl and she know about it" I stood there shook as he put his shirt back on and walk out I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I called Christina "hello" "is it true" I asked "is what true" she asked confused "is it true that victor is fucking one of your friends and you knew about it the whole fucking time" I asked now fully crying as the line went silent all I heard was the three beeps indicating she hung up "that bitch" I said laughing to myself. They gone learn who not to play games with.

                                       TreyWhen I left Chris I went to meet up with Christina to get dinner and in the middle of it she got a call from ole girl named nic she was crying on the phone asking if it was true about victor sleeping with...

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When I left Chris I went to meet up with Christina to get dinner and in the middle of it she got a call from ole girl named nic she was crying on the phone asking if it was true about victor sleeping with one of her friends Christina hung up in her face I couldn't laugh about this situation but I did sip on my drank. I knew it was fucked up but I couldn't help but feel messy and on top of it all it confirmed what I was thinking it was indeed karrueche getting played all I could think about is what type of friend christina was for her to do that and what would she do to me. "Sorry about that" she cleared her throat "you good what was that all about anyway" asking knowing damn well I already kind of know from what she told me "well you know how I was asking for advice yesterday it was about kae and another one of my friends they're dating the same man and I guess he's now getting caught up and putting me in the mix" I nodded "I'd put you in the mix too" I said being honest "these are ya friends and you letting them get played how could you do that" I said laughing "that's fucked up and on top of it you continue to smile in both of their face" tears started to stream down her face "I didn't know what to do when I found out I didn't know what to say and I didn't think either one of them would believe me" "well you should've said something now it's too late and you about to lose two friends"

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