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                                       JoeyGetting all this tea from a crying Christina last night I had to let my girl kae know so I invited her to the beach

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Getting all this tea from a crying Christina last night I had to let my girl kae know so I invited her to the beach. Seeing her walk over to me "look at little miss sunshine" I said waving my hand around she smiled "I sorta kinda do feel a little sunny" she said sitting next to me "Shit" I said giving her a look "not after what I tell you sis" "What? What happened" she asked getting serious "so um little miss dip it low called me crying last night spilling TEAAA about you" I said grabbing my drink sipping on it "About me? I don't have any tea that I know of" kae said in a honest tone that's when I sip on my drink again " Oh so this news to you girl, ya man victor cheating and he got a whole ass family on the side and chris knew about it the whole time she went to the wedding and she the god mother" karrueche sat there with her mouth agape "Your fucking lying" she started laughing in disbelief I shook my head saying no sipping on my coconut water she nodded in a hurt way "so while we here we getting in the water" "yes girl let's have some fun in the sun"

 Seeing her walk over to me "look at little miss sunshine" I said waving my hand around she smiled "I sorta kinda do feel a little sunny" she said sitting next to me "Shit" I said giving her a look "not after what I tell you sis" "What? What happe...

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Getting out the shower I called Christina "hello" she answered on the second ring "hey you wanna do dinner tonight I feel like I haven't seen you in a minute" "yeah sure" "alright invite ya mans and tell him to invite Chris" I said hanging up smiling to myself if only she knew what was coming her way tonight texting Joey asking him if he wanted to come as well since he's the only one that was brave enough to keep it real of course he didn't turn it down. 2 hours passed I decided to get ready and leave headed towards treys restaurant since that's where we were all meeting , arriving someone directed me to the back private room where was last time seeing everyone there with drinks already sitting across from christina I crossed my legs "so what's up christina" "um nothing how you been" I laughed gaining everyone's attention "You know what's funny to me, we've been friends for years and you've never been dishonest to me until now and you've been lying about some real deep shit playing with my fucking life" I said getting a little loud "I can explain" "It's too damn late to explain anything you let a married nigga play me for 4years christina he has a whole ass kid are you kidding me" I asked hurt standing up she sat there looking at me with watery eyes "the funniest thing of it all is you was with them every step of the way and you had the nerve to call me a bestfriend" I threw my hand back and punched her in the face her head flew back "damn" I heard Chris and trey say at the same time while Joey held me back before I can throw another punch. "You got me out here looking a fool so ima show you one you should've known better period" "Joey the realist I've ever fucked with you out playing with everyone fucking life like it's a joke" I said getting heated "I'm cool Joey let me go I'm just talking" as he let me go I walked around to her side "All I wanna know is why would you do this to someone you once called your bestfriend I told you what I've been through and you smiled in my fucking face everytime I seen you not telling me once that he was playing me or his wife" getting ready to hit her again Chris grabbed my hand walking me out of the restaurant all together. "You looking too good tonight to be fight don't let her get you out of character" "see that I can look good and beat a bitch ass in some heels play with my like it's over for you" he started to laugh and I couldn't help but smile "I'm sorry it's just you punch her ass like you was Rambo on street fighter" he continued to laugh "shut up" I said laughing along "she definitely deserved it she played me and now she has a new victim aka your friend she's fucking" I said walking to the parking lot looking for my car and  unlocking it seeing him following I turn around looking at him "sorry about walking out after the kissing I didn't really know what to do but your lips were soft and I'd like to do it again one of these days" he nodded smiling "alright get in the car and drive home safely" I got in heading straight home I can't believe I almost beat Christina ass.

•••••••••••••••••••••NEXT DAY ••••••••••••••••••••••••
Today me and victor are meeting christina for brunch and that's where we're headed now the whole car ride has been silent I didn't know exactly what I was gonna say to her but I did know some love and hip hop shit about to pop off I texted my friend to wait outside the cafe already know it's gonna go side ways and I need a ride home. Seeing we've arrived I hopped out going straight inside seeing her sitting there with a black eye I see her friend got to her before I can laughing to myself I walk up to her sitting across from her "hey" I said just as vic sat down beside me she didn't say anything back so I continued "I guess we should just gonna get this over with then" I ordered a drink "I always knew you were sorta fake but it just hurt me how I had a child and got married and you knew he was cheating on me" "I'm sick and tired of this whole fucking situation" she got loud "hold the fuck up what you not gone do is get loud with me knowing your in the wrong" "I tried telling both of y'all dumb asses I gave hints and all after all it ain't my business anyway" I paused for a second looking at her as if she was out of her damn mind "I doubt it christina you was there in every situation with both of them" vic added my drink cake I threw it at victor and threw a punch at christina hitting the side of her face grabbing her hair pulling her towards me I just started upper cutting her she got a few hits in but I knew I was beating her ass someone pulled me back "next time you'll know who not to fuck with" I yelled at her walking out seeing one of my friends car hopping in she pulled off. 10mins later we arrived to the house just as I was about to open the door the police pulled up "hello ma'am are you Nicole Cruz" they asked "no I'm Nicole Williams I'm getting a divorce" "well your under arrest for assault"
Waking up to a ringing phone I see it was joey "hello" "hey girl guess who got they ass beat and is now in the hospital" christina I thought she deserve everything ass whooping that come her way "CHRISTINA" he shouted "she meet up with victor and his wife and girl" he laughed "she got her ass handed to her she in the hospital and victor wife in jail they probably bailed her out by now though" "as they should christina got what she deserved what she did wasn't right but I'm over it" "Ima go see her today finna take hella pictures I call you afterwards" bye I said hanging up. I was definitely staying in all day I needed time to myself to evaluate my life because the last 4years has been a lie grabbing my laptop I looked at my schedule canceling everything I had to do the week and next rescheduling everything for the following week , maybe I'll book my self a trip to Miami I thought. Laying in bed going to Hulu 'cloak & dagger' seeing the girl go clubbing went home with a guy drugging him up and taking all his shit "maybe I should start playing niggas like this" I thought out loud

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