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Arriving in LA what I was feeling right now couldn't be described because nervous wasn't the word coming back home six months pregnant and no one knows am I a bitch for wanting to keep the life I had back in Paris? I mean once I go back I'm going to have to tell matt that this isn't his baby or would the better choice be just to lie? It would protect me and my kids but it'll hurt the man I now love and care for it can all go bad and back fire what if I tell him and he doesn't care but what if he does, and kick me out of the house I'm back to square one it's all a hard to think about on my own I'm gonna have to ask for some advise. I was now pulling up to my mom house I'll be staying here while being in LA smarter choice would've been an Airbnb but I'll see how it all goes. "Right here is perfect, you can pull into the driveway"
I told the lyft driver violet got excited "can't wait to see grandma" "yeah me too" I mumbled as he pulled in the driveway and parked "do you mind helping me get my bags out of your trunk?" "Not at all" he said we all got out as violet ran to the door "oh no baby you should've called me letting me know you were close so I could've taken the bags out go ahead and relax I got this"

I rolled my eye my mom fucking hated me not that long ago she didn't let me even see my own child I'm just sure she's waiting for me to fail again and take both of my kids "no it's fine momma, I'm not handicap" I laughed, grabbed two roll on bags she grabbed the other as violet grabbed her carry on bag.
"I'm gonna go make a call then take a nap jet lag ain't no joke" I said as I kept walking to my old room which I'm sure she turned into a guest or violets room. "Alright dinner will be done by then" I nodded not caring if she seen me do so. I thought I turned a new leaf when I reached out to her when I first got the news but seeing her again and her just being so damn nice isn't sitting right with me.
All I can think about is her taking my baby daddy side, taking my kid and not letting me see her ruling me as an unfit parent I wasn't but somehow came to actually forgetting I even had a kid. She fucked up  the happy wife life I could've had. This baby is to new beginnings I guess, it's gonna have to be.

Waking up from a nap "hey mom grandma told me to wake you, dinner is ready" I sat up looking at the clock on the night stand it was 7 at night I slept almost the whole day we arrived at my mom house around 1pm "here I come" this pregnancy is wearing me out I sign getting out of bed. Grabbing my phone I walk into the dinning room looking around it looks the same from when I was last here, I sat food was already on the table we were enjoying the food for about maybe 15 minutes then drama began.
"So who's the father of this baby and when am I going to be meeting him" She paused violet looked at me.
"And why did you go all the way to that white peoples country taking my grand baby without saying a word"
I started coughing feeling my food go down the wrong pipe violet got up patting my back picking up my cup "drink this" she said handing the cup to me I took it drinking it immediately gasping for air.
As soon as this shit over I'm looking for an Airbnb she couldn't wait a day or even ask me in private.
Finally getting my breathing on track I spoke "I'm not going to speak on my unborn child's father right now and I needed a break from LA, it brings me nothing but drama Paris has been good for me and violet I'm not going to discuss this with you right now can you give me some space and mind your damn business for once" I paused "when I'm ready I'll let you know" I said calming myself down. After dinner I went straight to the room I was staying in looking for Airbnb's most of them were all booked I texted a few old friends letting them know I was back in town. An incoming FaceTime call from Joey "HEY BITCH" he shouted I laughed "why are you so damn loud" it was now going on 10pm. "I can't be excited to see my turn up bestie, how you been girl? Giving bitches hell I hope" he said I laughed shaking my head "honestly, I've been good and I got some news I actually wanna tell you and karrueche" as soon as he heard her name he said 'hold up' next thing I knew we were on three way.
"Hey" she said in a low tone then we seen movement few seconds later we seen her face again "sorry chris is sleeping, I had to go to another room so mr. loud mouth wouldn't wake him" she said smirking I giggled "BITCH" joey said then paused "I know you ain't" he continued I cut him off before he could continue.
"so, um I got some news and I'm not sure how y'all are gonna take it" joey rolled his eyes while karrueche gave her attention to the screen waiting for what I had to say.
"bitch get on with it we don't got all night" I rolled my eyes getting up to lock the door and sat on the edge of the bed.
"So um I'm pregnant and want to invite y'all to my baby shower" "aw congrats" kae said "who the fuck is the babydaddy" joey said "thank you" I said ignoring his question only downfall of all of this was joey was one nosy ass bitch and if I told him when I conceived and found out when I got pregnant he'd figure out who the father was and I didn't have time for all that.

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