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I argue with my side thing way more then my main thing I thought me and trey was just fucking I can't fall in love with this nigga again I can't lie to matt for nothing I made trey who he wasn't this shit is getting too complicated I told myself once I and matt made it official I was going to cut trey off but here I am in the mix of something with him yet again.
This shit is gonna drive me mad how did I try to get my life back together and here I am fucking up again with the same nigga ima have to do what's best for me and what's best is to cut trey off like I been should've knocked out of my thoughts from the man himself Matt "hey are you okay" I nodded we were having a picnic at a local park that's close by his house I blacked out when I seen a text from the devil himself trey

This shit is gonna drive me mad how did I try to get my life back together and here I am fucking up again with the same nigga ima have to do what's best for me and what's best is to cut trey off like I been should've knocked out of my thoughts fro...

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Today's my last day in New York and I'm trying to meet up with Agnes to figure out how we're going to coparent since I live in LA. It's been nice spending some time with chasity I've only known her for three days but it feels like I've known her since birth of course I wish I was there but being here now means more then anything she was a bit shy but I can tell she's getting use to me. As for kae I'm just glad she's so understanding I know she's overthinking everything and I'd just wish she'd tell me what's on her mind I just have to reassure her that's everything's going be good. Besides that wanna chill with my momma for a bit before I go see what's going on with her maybe move her to LA to be closer

Walking into the room I see a still sleeping kae so I kissed her on her forehead letting her know I'll be back later heading to my mom house I was there within 20minutes, walking inside I see agnes "just the woman I wanted to see" I said sitting across from here "where's momma and chasity" "upstairs she's putting her down for her nap" nodding "so um I wanted to know how is this gonna work" "it'll work fine I live in LA as well me and Joyce was just talking about it she was telling me how she want to move to send more time with you two"
"I was thinking about that too"

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