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It's been a few days since I last seen or even really talked to him we'd talk here and there I sorta ignored him I've been trying to focus on working my ass off to get the fuck up outta LA for a couple of weeks and today is the day I'm already at ...

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It's been a few days since I last seen or even really talked to him we'd talk here and there I sorta ignored him I've been trying to focus on working my ass off to get the fuck up outta LA for a couple of weeks and today is the day I'm already at the airport waiting for my flight to be ready was it fucked up that I didn't tell anyone but my mom and Joey where I was going??? No. I was gonna text chris once I landed and safe in my hotel room in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, my plane was now boarding and getting ready for take off GOODFUCKINBYELA...
3 hours and 10 minutes later...
Getting off the plane I grabbed my carry one and went to baggage claim getting my bags I headed to the front of the airport ordering a lyft 2 minutes went by and my car arrived the guy helped me put my stuff in the trunk, getting in the car I check my notifications seeing that I have text messages from Chris and a missed called as well from my mom and Joey seeing if I made it safely I replied to my mom and Joey saying fine and on my way to my hotel now. 30 minute drive to the hotel 'Fiesta Americana'  it looked like something that'll be in Las Vegas but here it was much more better and it was warm. Getting my bags and heading inside the hotel I went to the front desk to get my key to the room it wasn't a long line so the wait didn't take that long heading to my room once I got the key I went inside making sure I shut the door all the way I plopped down on the bed FaceTimeing Chris.

Seeing his face pop up and him adjusting his phone looks like he's outside his house "hey what's up" I asked "where you been?? Where you at??" He asked frowning seeing his forehead rolls like I did when he answered "I've been working but um now I'...

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Seeing his face pop up and him adjusting his phone looks like he's outside his house "hey what's up" I asked "where you been?? Where you at??" He asked frowning seeing his forehead rolls like I did when he answered "I've been working but um now I'm outta town" I said the last part low "outta town" he questioned me more to himself tho "you left without telling me? Why didn't I get an invite?" "You can still come" I said sitting up on the bed "it's just that this was supposed to be a therapeutic trip for me I'm just so stressed I need a break from everything and everybody" "including me" I responded with a quick no. Telling him to come out here for the fifth time he agreed to it and said he'll see me tomorrow I blew him a kiss threw the phone hanging up getting in the shower so I can take a little nap.

Today I decided that I was gonna hit the beach to get some sun the later go eat dinner being by myself before chris get her should be alright I haven't had a minute to myself in a long time. Putting on my tiger stripped bikini bottom with a black strapless bikini top with a black see threw cover up dress. I packed a beach bag and made sure to put my room key in it shutting the door and heading to the beach finding a spot that doesn't have that many people, I sat in a beach chair putting my bag next to me on the floor I pulled out my oil starting with my legs then going to my arms I laid back and enjoyed the beaming sun.
A few hours passed with my enjoying the sun and water and it definitely wore me out so I went to get something to eat then headed back to my room.

Walking up to the door dragging my suit case right behind me I looked at the door number waiting for a moment I knocked twice waiting for her to come to the door she peeped threw the door shutting it and opening it again letting me in.

After closing the door behind me she looked me up and down "Hey, you look good" leaving my stuff by the door I walked up to her "I thought why not pull up on a girl I'm feeling looking like a snack" I replied smirking "look more like a meal to me"...

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After closing the door behind me she looked me up and down "Hey, you look good" leaving my stuff by the door I walked up to her "I thought why not pull up on a girl I'm feeling looking like a snack" I replied smirking "look more like a meal to me" she said wrapping her arms around me "you smell good too" she complemented me wrapping my arms around her I just realized that she was went coming from the shower with just her white towel and wet hair and furry slippers she definitely had the easy access thing going on but I wasn't gonna go there with her yet.
"Have you ate" I asked looking down at her " I have actually so you can get up out them clothes and get comfy, you can order in" she said letting go walking to the bed dropping her towel slipping on some panties and a oversized t shirt and getting on the bed I took off my jacket and stuff getting comfortable in some sweats getting in bed next to her.

Carefully sitting up to put my damped hair in a quick bun I laid on my side admiring a sleepy chris hearing his faint snores I lightly put my hand on his cheek and stroked my thumb against his jawline where you can see the hairs coming in cause he's trying to grow a beard , there's a little bruise on his cheek I guess from shaving his face is just perfect sculpted by the gods. To the freckles on his cheek bones and nose to his pink lips and long lashes and perfectly arched brows to the little small triangle tattoo on the right side of his forehead by his hairline. He made me melt inside and I don't even think he knows it yet.
Kissing his lips grabbing the blanket I put it on top of us I got comfortable laying up under him

    Back in LA.....
I'm having a little get together with friends for a go away party leaving for Miami tonight for a month I couldn't go all out like I wanted to cause some people couldn't make and and Chris dumb ass went outta town with his lol broad, I just know that shit ain't gone last if their even together that is. My homegirl dia feeling him so when I get back ima try to set that up and for try I hope his little side piece find out about him and tana. I just hope all the good shit pop off when I get back though laughing to myself as I sipped on my wine I seen him sitting down with his little boo getting up I walked over

 I just hope all the good shit pop off when I get back though laughing to myself as I sipped on my wine I seen him sitting down with his little boo getting up I walked over

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Sitting down "you look good in that tux" I said rubbing my finger down his arm he smirked thanking me. Me and trey never went there in our relationship were more like brother and sister I heard he got some good pipe though I might find out one of these days "so tell me why you dogging ole girl out, and do you think she know" "I guess I was ready to settle down until I got to know her and now that I see how she work she just ain't for me I'm not ready for that life at least with her, and she might I'm not sure" putting my finger under my chin I smiled "your a fucking dog, at least tell her you don't want nothing serious right now" "she should know we ain't together" he said getting offended I put my hands up in a surrender stance getting up heading to the ladies room and there she was balling her eyes out.

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