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It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon i found myself in my art studio just doodling down some pictures an incoming call from agnes came in.

"whats up?" i licked my dry lips drawing the teeth on the monster "Chasity has been asking about you so I was wondering if you can come pick her up and let her spend the night with you" "yeah that's cool with me, oh I need to talk to you about something but I guess it can wait until tomorrow" the line went silent for a minute "alright I'll see you when you get here" she said before hanging up. Damn.

As i made my way to my moms place karrueche texted saying she was coming over tonight which was fine because she already met chasity and she'd probably be sleep by the time she showed up anyway she's at that age where she can run around all day and go to sleep early keeping kids busy is the trick.

I pulled up seeing them already outside on the porch i parked as she came walking up to the car i got out opening the car door she handed me a car seat i hooked it up and she got in and the buckled her upmaking sure it was tight and secured i stepped back as agnes walked up kisses her on the forehead putting her night bag on the floor by her feet as i  made my way back to the front getting in the drivers seat  "i love you have fun okay" she said smiling at her chasity smiled back "i will momma" i smiled from the drivers seat observing them anges closed the car door patting it walking away she was avoiding me for some reason i wasnt gonna worry about it now though.

"Can we get some ice cream, daddy?" her calling me daddy made me smile

"Sure princess"

Pulling out my phone i pulled up the directions to the nearest ice cream parlor which was cold stone pulling off i turned on the radio as 'Old Town Road' started played

"Cant nobody tell me nothing you cant tell me nothinnn" she sang

I looked up at her in the rear view mirror as she continued to sing i pulled up to cold stone i parked, i let her out the car closing the door we walked inside hand in hand she picked out which flavor she wanted and got a scoop of strawberry ice cream with sprinkles in a cup i paid for the ice cream we walked outside to the car sitting her in her seat giving her napkins and her ice cream then we headed home.

"Daddy, can i do your hair when we get to the house" chasity asked i chuckled

"You sure can" pulling up to the house by this time she was finished with her ice cream. She made a mess with her mouth covered in pink with sprinkles on her cheeks and her hands were sticky i shook my head chuckling as i let her out her seat i grabbed her night bag as she jumped out running to the front door.

"Slow down" I laughed "Hurry daddy, i got to pee" "okay okay, but first let me wash your face and hands" i said rushing to the door unlocking it i locked my car doors shutting the door locking it as we rushed to the bathroom i grabbed a towel cleaning her up as she did her business on the toilet i went to the kitchen seeing what I was going to feed her later

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