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"Don't come in here being rude Christopher" my mom spoke up "what is she doing here momma and why would you let her in" I asked getting a little loud letting agnes appearance get the best of me. "We seen each other at the market and I haven't seen her in so long so she invited me over there's no harm in that Chris" Agnes spoke up my neck snapped over to her looking her up and down "the hell it ain't, you could've declined and kept it moving" "up until now I was welcomed" she said in a rude tone "Yo ass should've known you wouldn't be welcomed back into my life after you walked out of it" the fuck was she thinking.
"The past is in the past stop dwelling on shit" she shouted at me and before I can come back with something to hurt her feelings my mom spoke up

"Maybe you should go Agnes" she nodded agreeing getting her things and saying her goodbyes to her I walked up the stairs to my old room as she walked out the door. The whole point of coming out here was to see if my moms was good now my head is all fucked up as I laid on my bed flash backs of last week me and Agnes spent together before she left me with no explanation.


Sitting in the dressing room I threw back two shots back to back looking at my self in the mirror "soca, your on in 10" I nodded letting him know I heard what he just said

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Sitting in the dressing room I threw back two shots back to back looking at my self in the mirror "soca, your on in 10" I nodded letting him know I heard what he just said. I honestly don't know what the hell I was doing why was I here getting ready to dance half naked for middle aged men I had a chance to change my life into something positive when karrueche gave me a job, but here I was secretly fucking it up for me and my daughter.
10 minutes later ...

Did I know how to dance no but I did know how to be sexy they started me off with something slow then went to some fast booty shaking music the last song I got to pick myself which was 'Dance for you' by Beyoncé I was dancing just like she was in her music video and I mixed it up a little and did a few steps from 'partition' I was definitely feeling it and having fun while they threw money at me the song ended I walked off the stage as someone collected the money off the stage and put it in a medium sized laundry basket. Once I got to the dressing room the club owner came in following in behind me "soca you did so good out there for it to be your first time, you sure you don't want to make this job permit" he asked I shook my head no I only do this twice a week and I don't want to get caught doing it i lied about taking night classes I got dressed and collected my money leaving the place all together heading to Raymond's mom house.

It's been a few days since I last seen my boo now I can't really see him cause he's 2,789.5 miles away from me so I've been working, hanging out with friends and family tonight me and an old friend of mine is taking brooklyn to a ballet play it's only an hour and thirty minutes thing so why not plus she seems to be interested in it.

I was now on my way to pick up my friend Erin and brooklyn I was going to get erin first so she can see my mom they haven't seen each other in a minute since all erin do is travel I aspire to be like that one day to see the world with the person I love you always get a different experience when alone or with someone. Texting her that I was down the street so she can be outside when I get there one thing about her she listened not like joey he made his own rules no matter what we did and I love that about him her just have to learn it's a time and a place for it.
"Hey cake pop" she said getting in "Hey" I said smiling she's been calling me that since we meet in middle school I don't mind it's different and sweet.
On our way to pick up brooklyn I caught her up with everything that's been happening with me from victor to christina to chris "I'd like to meet him he seems to be doing you right since ya all happy and shit" nodding I agreed "I'll set it up when he gets back out here from visiting his mom" "wait what you not with him" "it seemed personal and I didn't want to invade his privacy and invite myself" she changed the topic as we picked up brooklyn

After the ballet play..
"Owe I loved the play auntie karrueche" she said as she twirled in her pink dress "me too we have to come to more of these I felt like I was in high class" Erin said we walked to the valet parking as they continued to talk about it , I gave them the ticket for them to go get my car erin picked up the pamphlet
"Hey try to do this cake pop" I tried as brooklyn hyped me up from the sidelines

"Owe I loved the play auntie karrueche" she said as she twirled in her pink dress "me too we have to come to more of these I felt like I was in high class" Erin said we walked to the valet parking as they continued to talk about it , I gave them t...

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"I'm trying, I'm trying" "-um excuse me ma'am your car is here" we all started laughing as we got in "are you buckled up brooklyn" "uh ...yes" I heard the click sound looking back I made sure she was good before pulling off.

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