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Trey walked in the restaurant he was meeting chris and his younger brother ruski to have lunch and catch up his brother was currently in the middle of going to court with his ex to get custody of his 5 year old son and he came to get some advise but little did they know so was chris.

Trey looked around looking for chris and his brother when he seen lori he did a double take of her kissing another man at a table in the middle of the restaurant he stopped dead in his tracks in disbelief she caught his eye and they both stared at each other until chris called trey over. "Hey what's up man? You good" chris asked "yeah I'm good" they sat down
"did y'all order already" "nah we just got here a few minutes ago" Trey nodded and went back to thinking about seeing Lori kissing up on someone who wasn't him how could she was all he could think he knew they wasn't official yet but damn after all they went through.

"So my court date coming up and I don't know what to do even though mom she said she was gonna help me through the process" Ruski said and now they had they attention on him "man why are y'all even going to court in the first place" Chris asked "over some dumb petty shit, she won't let me see my son and she be getting jealous like we still together I told her dumb ass she need to hang it up ("FLAT SCREEN" if you know the joke) I almost put hands on her" Chris looked at him with big eyes while trey just shook his head.

"Nigga you know not to put hands on no female"
"Yeah I know, but you don't understand when I told her there's not gonna be an ya anymore she lost it."

Chris shook his head knowing woman can be crazy especially because he going through something worse.

(3weeks ago)

Karrueche and Chris have been arguing nonstop it all started when she seen agnes flirting with Chris right in her face and he didn't say anything about it because he thought it was helpless because that's the mother of his child she had to point out maybe just maybe she wanted to make a family for chasity and the flirting she was doing wasn't at all helpless. He didn't care for what kae was pointing out because he didn't feel that way about agnes and he told her that the night he was alone with her so why would she try it , he feel like that night is coming back to bite him in the ass and little did he know he was 100% right. When that one good day came without them going at each other's necks over the dumbest shit the night ended with a bad taste in both of their mouths.

"You could've just told me the fucking truth"
she yelled walking into the room

She threw her phone at chris while he was laying down "The fuck you talking about and don't be throw shit at me" he said confused and upset. "you told me you wasn't fucking her why would I believe you making me look dumb once a fucking gain all you niggas are the same" she said balling her eyes out while going to pack her stuff.

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