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"...the sad part is, that I will probably end up loving you without you for much longer than I loved you when I knew you. Some people might find that strange. But the truth of it is that the amount of love you feel for someone and the impact they have on you as a person, is in no way relative to the amount of time you have known them."

May 17th..


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"Would you mind if I take my time and admire you"
a soft smile spread across my face today has been nothing but blissful I've spent my whole day just enjoying his company we had a candlelight dinner and wine he knew exactly how to set the mood.

"I know plenty have took advantage of how beautiful you are they don't know about real love, I want to love you right" he was now whispering all of this in my ear with one of his hands stroking the curls I currently had in my hair "my eyes are on you I wanna to spend my life with you, don't worry because it's saved for you" when that sentence left his lips it felt like the world stopped for a few seconds. Was this all too good to be true happiness for just today a birthday present of some sort I don't know but I wasn't going to second guess a chance of true happiness I've been waiting for.

We stepped out of restaurant into the night air it felt good but it somehow made me shiver even though I had a jacket on chris held me in his arms as we waited for valet guy to come with his car "karrueche is that you" me and chris turned to see none other then the devil himself Victor he knew damn well it was me it seemed like everywhere I went he was there I questioned if this man actually gave a damn anymore I put a restraining order on him yet he seems to always be around chris didn't say a word but his grip on me got tighter letting go a breathe I didn't know I was holding I spoke up "I don't want to go back and forth with you tonight, and you know it's a waste of time your not going to get through to me so please just stop" I didn't know what else to say to this man that has yet to be said from me or anyone else what was he looking for closer he just stood there not saying a word "Cause of you, I won't give him what he deserves" Chris spoke up walking us to the car that took ages to come he opened the door I got inside next thing I knew victor was coming straight for chris "AYE WATCH OUT" I shouted chris turned around quick don't know how but all of a sudden I see victor laid out on the floor everything was moving so fast I didn't see chris hit him nor get in the car all I knew now was that we were at a red light and I was still looking out the window as if we were still outside of that restaurant. "It wasn't my intentions to put my hands on him" I looked over to his hands gripping tightly on the steering wheel then to him "I get it, you did what you had to do let's just forget about it" and we did just that  not speaking another word I laid my head on the window all I can wonder is why he just don't get it.

 "It wasn't my intentions to put my hands on him" I looked over to his hands gripping tightly on the steering wheel then to him "I get it, you did what you had to do let's just forget about it" and we did just that  not speaking another word I lai...

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