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Dia"You look like a bitch outta the projects, the ones that's ghetto and try so hard to be boujee" Lucas says laughing at my current outfit I chose to wear today we were currently standing at a sort of ice cream van that came down his street rolli...

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"You look like a bitch outta the projects, the ones that's ghetto and try so hard to be boujee" Lucas says laughing at my current outfit I chose to wear today we were currently standing at a sort of ice cream van that came down his street rolling my eyes I looked at the options "it's not that hot ma, you trynna impress a nigga" he always got me questioning myself when I'm with him why am I with such a rude nigga his attitude intrigues me though "can you shut the fuck up and buy me this ice pop" he did as I said one thing about me and Lucas was that we wasn't together but he was good at what he did for me which was taking me out and giving me dick so I guess I could deal with his slick ass mouth it was only temporary until chris notice me for who I am I guess I know his dick is big I just know it my heart hurts just thinking about it I feel no remorse sucking on my popsicle and with his homeboy call it what you want I know ima get a taste.


Agnes currently sat in her car in front of chris house rethinking what she was about to do 30 minutes ago on the phone with him she claimed that chasity wanted to spend some time with him or even the night if he was down for it but if only he knew she was lying and plotting to pull up by herself. She takes a few deep breaths and saying a quick prayer before getting out and heading to the front door knocking he answered within minutes since he was only a few feet away and knew she was on her way with chasity as soon as he opened the door and didn't see chasity in agnes hands he regret it "where's chasity man" "I decided not to bring her" agnes said with a swift movement opening the door a walking right past him to the kitchen he followed right behind her pissed "we need to talk" she paused for a second pouring herself and Chris a glass of champagne "I made a lot mistakes but we need to work this out for chasity if you won't do it for me do it for her if you love her" Chris looked at her like she had three heads "You said you wanted love I gave you that and more but when it came to trust we both fucked up" he got in her face grabbing her chin roughly "your not forcing me to pick sides I got a girl and I'm going to take care of my daughter you can't do anything to change that" she nodded with tears in her eyes he let go of her backing up agnes was the type to think quick on her feet she wasn't going to let go of chris that easily. "so that's just the end of us huh" she asked wiping her tears away he nodded "it's best if we're just friends and be cordial for the sake of chasity, we don't have to be a couple to take care of our daughter" they started reminiscing about the old times in Sydney even though she put him through hell he knew he had no business catching feelings for her in the first place once she knew chris was getting comfortable with her being in his home she took it as a chance to do what she had planned in the beginning of her visit pouring herself another drink her fourth one to be exact "hey want another drink, you've only had one" he slid the cup to her she turned around pouring the drink and popping the pill into his cup it started to sizzle and make bubbles she she slid it back to him, he took a sip not noticing what she just did.

It's a fucked up thing to do but she wasn't regretting it anytime soon especially after he done grabbed her face and made her cry , he made her feel like shit every since they reunited so it was his turn to feel like shit and his life to crumble in her hands. She watched him drink it all until the cup was empty watching his every move he sat his phone on the counter and started rubbing his temples "I think you should start leaving" he said in a groggy tone

She knew then the pill was starting to do its job she looked at him for a second standing "are you okay" she questioned him already knowing the answer
"I'm good" he stood up only to stumble she rushed to his side "maybe you should lie down, I'll help you to your bed" he didn't refuse the help, he didn't have the strength nor energy to question why he suddenly became dizzy and unaware of what was currently happening they made it to the room in no time "what you do to me agnes, why am I sweating like this"
He was now talking in slow motion she hushed him and started taking his clothes off he laid there helplessly. Once she was finished she looked around the room for a good angle setting her phone in a good position pressing the record button she started getting undressed she got on top of him naked position herself then putting his hands on her waist she had to make it seem real she knew once she planned on sending this to him and his girl that things were gonna crumble and his mother was going to be disappointed in her but she didn't care as she rode him moaning loud she just knew this was a risk she had to take to get him to be hers again.

She heard the beeping indicating that the video reached its recording limit she then stopped and started crying punching him weakly in his chest "WHAT THE FUCK SHE GOT THAT I DONT" she questioned him but she knew she wasn't going to get the answer at that moment because of the current state he was in, he was now completely passed out.
She left him naked not looking back and giving one fuck about what she just did she was hurt and all she wanted to do was ruin everything in her path.

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