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I apologize for the times that he hurt you
         Realize it, you know he don't deserve you
      If you were mine, girl
    I'd show you what you're worth

Seeing Chris heated was indeed a sight , someone called the cops before it could go any further then what was about to the cops came they said we'll have to come to the station in the morning to get a restraining order. Im getting one cause victor is definitely on some weird shit and it's embarrassing why would he come and try to ruin someone's event like what type of drugs is he on.
By time the police left everyone else who was still close with chris left as well so now it's just me and him here cleaning up it's been silent every since. He was on fire but now he seem like he's cold as ice you'd think we were on jerry springer when it was all going down. In honesty I been falling for him but I gotta fall back cause I can't let him lose hisself looking for me when I still sorta hurting and dealing with the shit that went down, I can't let him make me his everything all I want to do right now is escape run away somewhere and never come back.
Admiring him from a distance I was scared to say anything because it was so quite, I didn't want to be a distraction anymore it's crazy he's such a great and raw person and I'd hate for him to find someone else I know we aren't together but being with him just makes everything better. He looked over at me I guess he felt me starring now we were just looking at each other I decided to speak up first.
"You met me in at a very strange time in my life"
When is it not strange? When will it be a better time? "Look it's not your fault this nigga won't leave you alone after he played you, just get the restraining order I'm sure things will change" "I'm so sorry" I started crying he came up to me hugging me
"ain't no other feeling better than you here"

Getting ready for trey to pick me up yeah I just seen him at the art show but we didn't get to talk I was begging him for his time it was the other way around I made sure I had something sex on cause I just knew something was gonna go down.
I heard knocking on the door I knew it was him so I opened it and there he was looking good in his all black "Hey" I said as we smiled at each other

We hugged he kissed me on my neck , he let me go so I can lock up after that we walked to his car getting in got right on the freeway he driving straight to his house

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We hugged he kissed me on my neck , he let me go so I can lock up after that we walked to his car getting in got right on the freeway he driving straight to his house. We pulled up he unlocked the door I seen that he had his fire place already lit up he twirled me around and we helped each other take our jackets off , I walked into the room that was by his balcony where he had candles lit. He went to the kitchen to go fix us some drinks and came back with two glasses and the bottle he gave me one sat the bottle down and kept one taking a sip sitting right next to me , he ran his hand up my neck to my short curls "shall we toast" he asked looking at me "to what exactly" I asked smirking "us" we clicked our glasses together "you trynna light up" he asked putting his drink on the side table I shrugged not really caring he passed it to me I sat on my knees leaning over putting my cup near his taking a pull from the blunt I blew smoke in between his lips.
As he pecked my lips I pulled away blowing smoke in his face, I reached over him to put it out and sat on top of his lap facing him he grabbed my neck kissing me from my lips to my neck then my chest as I rubbed his hair that was growing. I got standing in front of him lifting up my dress I turned around, he pulled the back up more feeling on my booty turning around I got back on his lap while he pulled my dress up and off then pulled his shirt off.

Putting my hands on his neck I started kissing him grinding on him we were in this stance doing the same thing for about five minutes he rubbed his hands up my thighs to my ass as I rubbed his arms

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Putting my hands on his neck I started kissing him grinding on him we were in this stance doing the same thing for about five minutes he rubbed his hands up my thighs to my ass as I rubbed his arms

Putting my hands on his neck I started kissing him grinding on him we were in this stance doing the same thing for about five minutes he rubbed his hands up my thighs to my ass as I rubbed his arms

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He got on top putting me on my back kisses going down my neck to then my chest while he gripped on my thighs continuing his trail down to my stomach.
I just knew I was going to be leaving here with a smile on my face no matter what happened.

                        2 days later ....

                                          DiaIt's been a few days since the gallery event I went to with draya and the girls and today ima gonna go check out the painting class he do in his shop on Thursday afternoons I'm excited, not to paint but...

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It's been a few days since the gallery event I went to with draya and the girls and today ima gonna go check out the painting class he do in his shop on Thursday afternoons I'm excited, not to paint but to see his handsome face maybe I can learn something new. Opening the door to his shop hearing the bell right I see that it was him and two other people painting I walked over to him "hey remember me, am I late" I asked he didn't look up "nah you good"

"You can take any canvas that's open today is free paint, you can paint whatever you like" he said I looked down at his painting he had Ed,Ed, and Eddy painted up with weird monsters and the monopoly guy sketched up ready to be colored "this is do...

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"You can take any canvas that's open today is free paint, you can paint whatever you like" he said I looked down at his painting he had Ed,Ed, and Eddy painted up with weird monsters and the monopoly guy sketched up ready to be colored "this is dope, teach me your ways" he finally looked up at me smiling "thank you, and I guess you came to the right place to learn from the best" I nodded and when he said learn from the best I wasn't thinking about the painting I bet his fine ass know what he brings out of girls, he continued to paint I sat in the empty seat with canvas next to him. He been playing since I got here, I'm trynna see sum had me pulling up boujee just to paint guess ima have to pull up on him every Thursday. "So how long have you been doing this, painting that is" I asked still focused on his painting "about 6 to 7 years now" nodding I'm trynna spark a conversation up does he not peep my vibe.

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