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The beginning to something...

It was all like a summer love when they meet in Sydney 3 years ago during a time where they both tried to find the real meaning of their lives.
Chris became a fisherman because he wanted something different in his life while Agnes tried to become a dancer when she knew she could sing better then she can dance so she traveled to different places to learn new moves with a few of her dancing friends they both had a good run that year.


One time chris was walking down the highway he just got off of work as Agnes friend drove on the exact highway they were all hyped about being somewhere they've never been while she was just tired and annoyed they almost hit chris he looked back at the car as he continued to walk the opposite way the suv was going they didn't know it but it was the first time they accidentally met without either of them knowing it.

As Chris walked along the beach after a long day of work to clear his mind a bit he sat down on the sand enjoying the view. Agnes just arrived to her beach house as she got out of the car she looked around heading up the stairs to her new place once she did so she walk down to the beach seeing a lonely chris she walked up to him as he looked up at her she extended her hand for him to shake and he took it.
And it all started from there it was only a year but it felt like a lifetime to them. The happiness. The sex. Two opposites attracted to each other was no good to begin with but it didn't matter until it did.

Just waking up missing chris was the worst thing ever I'm just so use to us being together all the time that I just can't help it so I decided to FaceTime him before getting up to do anything he'll be up since it's only a 3hour difference.

"Good morning cinnamon apple""Morning" he said signing all I could see is his freckled face in the screen "Hey is everything okay" I asked in a concerned tone "nah, it's just some shit going on that I didn't know what to expect or how to handle it...

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"Good morning cinnamon apple"
"Morning" he said signing all I could see is his freckled face in the screen "Hey is everything okay" I asked in a concerned tone "nah, it's just some shit going on that I didn't know what to expect or how to handle it" hearing his tone and not being able to read his body language I just knew it was about him and not his mom because he definitely would've told me what's up if it was about his mom.

"Do you wanna talk about it" he went silent for a minute thinking about how he was gonna answer my question "I feel like we need to talk about this in person I just feel like some shit about to jump off, my past is coming back to taunt me" now it was my turn to go silent what did he mean about his past coming back to taunt him was it something for me to worry about or to brush off.
"I'll catch the next flight" I said sitting up
I'm so bad at holding water it slips right threw my fingers so whatever he's going through I just hope I can handle it and help him through it all. We just laid there staring at each other through our phones when we first meet he was a vision of perfection to me I was caught up in a blessing, and I didn't realize how it wasn't fair to compare all the things ive been through shit what I was going through as if he didn't have anything he went through I treated him like medicine but I guess I didn't listen but then again he didn't tell me anything about his past.
He felt like as long as I felt better then it was all good but it wasn't I had baggage to unpack and he helped me with it so now it's his turn.
"Gotta pack so I'll seen you soon"

AgnesWhy was I the only to get blamed for how shit ended yes it was a bad way to end things but in a way if he wanted me he'd go after me

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Why was I the only to get blamed for how shit ended yes it was a bad way to end things but in a way if he wanted me he'd go after me. I was scared and seeing his mother at the market was just a blessing in disguise really I got a lot of shit to get off my chest and to put on his that's he's possibly gonna hate me for but do I care, yeah in a way I do.
The type of love we had only came around in a lifetime it wasn't no typical ordinary scenario all I can think about now is how shit about to get too complicated. And I just know after left him he didn't wanna see me again.

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