PPC 34

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Its been 4 months and trey have been seeing lori every since they meet at the club she had him feeling some type of way but she had to be doing something right if he stopped drinking like his life depended on it he was back to work and doing him, he felt as if sometimes she was playing him which she was but he don't know that forsure. He and lori wasn't a couple and in the beginning of their sexual relationship he slept with christina a few times then she fell off the face of the earth not answering his calls she didn't even have the same address everything he knew of christina was no longer available for him to reach.

"leave your clothes at the door" trey said to lori as he sipped on his crystal cup of henny she did as told slipping out of what she had on walking towards him
once she got to him, he started kissing her body starting with her lips he never disappointed her sexually and she loved when he got straight to the point knowing what she wanted every time she called he didn't complain but sometimes he wanted more than sex and she never want to talk about that part of their relationship so he never bothered to bring it up even if it did bother him.

This time was different though even though they've had a couple of dates she stayed after they had sex and actually had a good conversation sipping on wine and watching a show they found out they both liked
"you know i've been having fun with you since the first time we had sex and I'm glad we came to conclusion to not having any strings attached" lori said "the public sex is amazing" she added

He agreed but he wanted more he somehow always got shot down she meet his friends at the Halloween party he had last month so why was she still slow pacing what they had she was fucking with his mind but he was gonna nip this shit in a bud soon. "so uh thanksgiving coming up-" he was cut off "speaking of which i have something for you since I'm going out of town soon family matters, so i got you a little something" she got off the couch walking to her purse coming back with a square box in green and red wrapping "its for Christmas just in case i don't see you" where the fuck was she going for a whole month he thought to himself but as soon as the thought came he pushed it to the back of his mind because it wasn't his business she made sure of that.
He started to open it "hey wait don't open it yet" he put it on the table taking a big gulp of his drink.

what the fuck was he getting himself into..

what the fuck was he getting himself into

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