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"So why are you doing this? I know you are a busy man, don't you have a company to run," I was trying to understand this guy.

"No, I am paying employees to finish work, besides can you stop asking questions and just enjoy your time. You are lucky I am your tour guide, it never happens." He looked out of the window. I wanted to ask him where are we going... "You look like a lost puppy, it is a surprise, don't even think of asking. No objection," with that he folded his arms.

I was looking through the window, New York is an eclectic place. It is a beautiful day. I should stop stressing over everything. Samuel is right, I need to relax and enjoy my day.

"Welcome to the Empire State Building, it is the icon of New York since 1931, has been featured in thousands of movies." He said with a smile on his face." Let's check it out."

"This is beautiful," I took a breathe. The view was mesmerizing.

"It is indeed"

I turned to Samuel but I couldn't read his expression. He turned his head, the exact minute I turned mine.

Our next stop was Times Square, our visit took place after sunset. All that wattage made me feel the light was still out. It was breathtaking. We strolled the streets and ate a snack at Restaurant Raw .
From Times Square, I insisted on Samuel to leave the car, thus it took us about fifteen minutes strolling, it was a sunny day -heading North on Sixth Avenue, passing the classic sights of Rockefeller Center.
"Samuel, I mean Mr. Gates, this is unreal, do you always come here?"

"Call me Samuel. I used to come with my father but he passed away... I stopped... I stopped everything..." He walked ahead of me.

"Come on, I am going to show you the world's finest collections of contemporary art."

I nodded but I knew he wanted to change the subject so I didn't pester.

"The Museum of Modern Art, I've always wanted to_"

"I know," he said still watching the huge painting on the wall.

To say I was speechless and astonished was an understatement. I didn't know whether it was the painting or Samuel. He knew everything about me, things I like and dislike. My favorite food. I think he knows more than I know about myself. It sounds funny, but he has to stop his investigations about me. I knew he could do anything, he has too many bank accounts to do it easily.

"Were you thinking about the picture all this time?" He asked though he knew the answer. He knew I was confused about him, but I will remain silent for now. "N-No," I managed to put a smile on my face.

After that we went to Bronx Park. "What a huge place?" I said and Samuel had a huge grin on his face. I am going to ask him what does he  want exactly but I am waiting for the right moment.

"This is Bronx Zoo," he said pointing to the printed letters on the gate.

"I didn't know that" I said sarcastically.

"I am trying to be a good tour guide. You're welcome, Ms. Bloom," he entwined his hand with mine. He pulled me closer. "Stay close or else you'll get lost," he whispered in my ear. I nodded and we entered the gate and I couldn't utter a word being that close to him. Ugh, what was wrong with me?!

"There are about six thousand animals representing in excess of six hundred species," he stopped and I followed his gaze, sea lion pups. "awwww, how cute," I was making weird faces.
"I think you are scaring them," he chuckled. I hit his shoulder playfully,
"So untrue, you are just jealous. They are not paying attention to you."  Samuel walked away so I was obliged to leave my new friends and follow him.

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