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Samuel POV

It was a hectic day, but I love my job. Why am I complaining? Yes, I prefer playing with my kids. I prefer to spend my time with Julia. This woman is my redemption. Her touch, her voice is like a melody to my heart. I used to think marriage and commitments ruin the freedom and joy of a single life. Nah, it was a lie. People, grow up. Having a family is connotative to having the love of the world. I can't imagine my life without my wife and children, they complete me.

My thoughts are disturbed by the ringing of my phone.

Hi, mom


They miss you too

We'll be waiting

Mom always prepared family dinners. The children loved her stories. She became the granny any child would wish for.

Suddenly, George marched inside my office, not bothering to shut the door.

I was about to say a snarky comment when he said, "Is your phone dead?"

"Sorry, man. I had a couple of long business calls," I explained.

"You don't know?" George questioned with a furrow.

"What the hell is going on? Did something happen to the kids?" I picked my phone to dial Julia.

"Samuel, Julia-" George didn't have the chance to finish his statement since Samantha's voice came rushing, tripping with the process. Fortunately, George caught her at the right moment. She had tears in her eyes.

"Samuel, Julia." She started sobbing.

"What the hell are you talking about? What happened for fuck's sake?" I growled.

"She was taken. Someone kidnapped her" George said with a pain look drawn all over his face.

I took my jacket and strolled outside the office, outside the company, turning my ignition to life.


George's POV

I just came from a two months business trip and I wanted to rest. One voice would ease my pain. I could never stop thinking about her; I got furious when I see her smiling to other guys. But it wasn't my right, I shouldn't object, not when I chose not to make a move. I made that stupid decision, and I can't take it back. I lost her before even having her. We can never be together because I was her brother's best friend. I was the guy she used to play with when she was just a young girl. I promised her to protect her, and I can't allow myself to come closer. She was too fragile, too innocent, and I can't forgive myself to hurt her feelings.

I received a phone call from Joseph. I was surprised at first. I wasn't expecting his call. Something was wrong. He couldn't reach Samuel, so he ended up calling me. Let me tell you what I heard was a shock to my nerves. I took my motorcycle in order to reach Samuel's office within few minutes. I ran to his office, and he was acting normal. Shit, he still didn't know. Just when I was about to tell him, Samantha entered and seeing her like that broke my heart to millions of pieces. She was still the clumsy type. She tripped and immediately I held her close to my chest, my hand never leaving her waist. She started sobbing when she tried to say something. Samuel was boiling, his jaw clenched. Hence, I spit the bean. He was shocked about to murder someone. He ran off never looking behind.

I tried to sooth Samantha. I looked at her swollen lips. Hmm, she still bit her lips whenever she got nervous or irritated about anything. I was a bad boy right now, memorizing her features before letting go again. Her golden locks were all over her face, blocking the view of her eyes.

"Shh, Sam, I'm here now. Calm down, sweetheart," I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Everything's gunna be fine" I looked at her blue, silver eyes that always took my breath away. They were now similar to Swarovski crystal. She stared back at me, her eyes full of emotions. Our faces inches apart. I was going to move away, to hug her, instead I found myself touching her rosy cheeks. With all the tears, the edge of her nose was pink. And let me tell you, I'd never seen a woman who looked more beautiful when she cried. The minute her eyes divert to my lips. I felt the world is spinning in an opposite direction. I couldn't control myself. I looked at her lips. I looked at her delicious lips that I always craved. Maybe just maybe it would be a one time thing, it would be enough to forget her and move on. She leaned closer, she closed her eyes, and my lips met hers.

It was a jolt of electricity to my brain and heart. It was a hungry kiss, an angry kiss. I was about to pull away but Sam put her hands on my neck and brought me closer and savored me with her lips. Fuck, she was a good kisser just like magic. I couldn't resist the temptation. I squeezed her hip, her hand in my hair, and someone clearing her voice. Wait what?! I pulled back looking at an embarrassed Karla.

"I'm sorry. Hmm, your phone was on my desk, ringing non-stop?" she left it on the table and left in a hurry. The poor lady, she had been working for a very long time as a personal assistant. I checked the caller id, Joseph. Shit!!

"We have to go" I entwined our hands together and pulled her with me.     

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