Ch. 30

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"Detective, you have to see this!"

An old man was standing in his yard surrounded by police officers.

"Mrs. Gates is inside," the old man said. "We found her hiding in the yard from fifteen minutes. The ambulance is on its way. I entered the room and saw Julia in bed. "Love," my heart was bleeding when I saw her pale face. She opened her eyes when she heard my voice. I looked at the wounds in her arms.

"I'm so sorry love. I couldn't protect you," I told myself miserably unable to look into her big brown eyes. I moved closer inspecting her wounds.

"Samuel, I thought I wouldn't see you again," she whispered weakly in my ear. Putting her hand around my neck, she hugged me tightly, feeling her tears flowing down my shirt.

As the ambulance approached, siren was heard. Julia was put on a wheeled stretcher and I followed them into the ambulance.

All I wanted is to make her safe and to see Vin rotting in prison.


Samantha's P.O.V

After receiving a call from Samuel, I felt a surge of hope came back to my existence. Thank God!! They found her!! My nephew and niece were fast asleep. I promised them when they woke up they would find their mom sleeping in her bed. They gave me a hard time to persuade them, but I won in the end.

I was unable to register what happened at Samuel's office. I always dreamt of that moment. He was my first love, but he always put a distance; however, he wasn't exactly like that when we were younger. He used to drive me crazy with his teasing, and he used to be overprotective, taking care of me when my brother wasn't around.

"Mom, how do I look?" Samantha was wearing a red dress that reached to her knees, showing off her long legs. She spent an hour in straightening her curly blond hair. Wearing her favorite black heels that had red soles, she matched her dress with a black purse, and her final touch was red lipstick and mascara.

"You look beautiful, is he someone special?" She grinned and I knew what she was thinking about; I was never a person who wore make up.

Although my brother was the quarterback, I never enjoyed the attention. Guys used to ask me on dates just for the sake to be close to my brother, to become popular. I rarely wore any make up and preferred sneakers to heels. I loved wearing jumpsuits. But that time, it was quite different. Tony was so sweet, and I really I liked me. He was my lab partner, and he cared. He cared for the details. For instance, he bought roses, chocolate, and always tried to make me laugh.

6:00 pm ....Tony was greeted by my mother.

6:15pm ....We arrived to our destination.

6:20 pm....

My eyes met grey-green ones that were about to explode. Why was he angry? George was my brother's best friend, and because of that he tended to become overprotective when Samuel was practicing or traveling with his team. I wanted to say hi, but Tony had other plans. George was quite occupied with his friends that I thought I could pass by later on.

6:30pm ....

Tony was twirling me on the dance floor. I was happy for the first time in a long while. I felt special. Tony was the right one. He was the one who could make me happy.

7:10 pm....

I was in the washroom when two girls blocked my way. I thought I was going to put my Karate lessons into action, but the two girls had good intentions. At first I didn't believe what I was hearing, Tony was a good guy. I've seen nothing but sweetness. Then, I saw with my own eyes, what my ears were unable to comprehend. Tony videotaped one of them while she was in bed. He sent her the video and asked for money. The poor girl, Sara, had to do it, but she can never truly know that he actually did delete all the copies. Eventually, she had to tell her father who was a lawyer. Tony was put in jail for six months, his psychiatrist reported that he was healed and back to normal. "Just stay alert, he might do what he did with me," Sara's last words.

7:15 pm....

I was casually sitting trying to act normal. I had to confront him. It's unfair to judge him when I didn't hear his side of the story.

Tony whispered in my ear, "We can go somewhere quiet."

I nodded. It was time to talk.

7:20pm.... I saw George gulping his drink with one swift move.

7:35pm.... I was sitting on a bench. Tony's face was inches away from me. His lips met mine but I pushed him gently. "We have to talk"

He grumbled. "Ok! Fine!"

"Err.. . Have you been in prison before?" His jaw clinched. "Is it true?"

When he said nothing, I stood up. "I don't want to see you again."

He held my wrist, "You can't do this. You're mine"

"You don't have the right" I tried to free my arm from his tight grip.

He pinned me to the tree. "You know what, I was in prison, I was having some fun, and I don't regret my action" He barked with laughter, "I was so patient, your time is up. I will take you right now"

I couldn't breathe... pounding heart... sweating hands...
With no one being around, all my shouts and pleading were to no avail.

He tried to kiss me but I bit his lip.

"You Bitch!" He yanked my hair and slapped me not once but twice. I acted as if the impact was worse than it really was. I relaxed, knocking unconscious. When he was about to lift me up, I threw a couple knees toward his manhood. I jumped to my feet and faced him, and looked at him knocked down to the ground. I picked my purse and sprinted nonstop, breaking my favorite heel. I pulled my phone but found my battery's dead. "Brilliant just brilliant,"

10:00 ....

I stooped down on my knees and a black Lexis arrived just in time. I couldn't see the driver; I sprinted into a run the minute the rider walked out of his car. I was drained, I heard voices but I was in daze. My only mission was not to get caught. Two strong hands pulled me into a tight embrace. My back hitting his chest, I tried to kick him, but he had the advantage.

"Sam...Sam... look at me"

His voice was like a remedy to my broken heart. I looked into his piercing eyes that became dark, raging with wrath.

"You are fine now... no one can hurt you," He cupped my cheeks.

I started sobbing, "They always do...and it fucking hurts."

"Shh...I will always be around...I will never let anyone hurt you never..."He kissed my forehead.

"Where's the scumbag? I will kill him." He slammed the door shut and turned on the engine.

"You won't do anything. I did more than enough," I retorted staring out the window.

"What did you do exactly?" He asked with a furrow.

"I don't think he will be having babies in the future."

George cracked a laugh.

"Promise me you won't tell Samuel. I got everything under control," I squeezed his hand.

He stopped the car, and looked into my blue eyes. I looked back into his grey eyes that always mesmerized me. "I'm a big girl, and I don't need my brother to worry about me. Will you promise?"

"I promise," he squeezed my hand. His eyes roaming my face, he stared at my lips. Instantly, I remembered the slap.

George clenched his jaw, "Let me tend to your wound." It wasn't a question, in fact he ordered. His engine roared to life, and I found myself drifting; my body physically drained, but my body active and fully awake.             

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