Ch. 31

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George's P.O.V

I couldn't keep her out of my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about her kiss, her tender touch. She had always been the only person that put my heart in acceleration mode. When we were younger, I used to follow her around. I couldn't come closer. How could I, when Samuel was my best friend? I couldn't afford losing her at that time. It was enough for me to see her from a distance. I was satisfied with being the overprotective brother. I tried to, but it was too damn hard. Flashes came through my mind about that night as if it was just yesterday when I realized that I was doomed to suffer.

"I'm not in the mood." I was about to reach a high score in Fruit Ninja when Frank kept pestering me.

"Dude, come on. It's Saturday night. I won't get drunk. Let's chill before the mid-terms"

He was right. I should chill. My father had been giving me a hard time, and I'd been stressing out. He said it was time to start attending some of his boring meetings. He says and I quote, "You're a man, not a boy anymore. You better act like one. Being responsible doesn't come in a package form." He was so hard to please.

Reluctantly, I went to the party. I had been dying of boredom for almost fifteen minute until Samantha entered with all her glory. She was looking freaking hot. What was she doing here? Then I noticed a guy walking beside her, and I was extremely frustrated when I saw his hand on her back. I wanted to punch someone. I was behaving like a bear with a sore head. He led her to the dance floor, and I was seeing red. After what seemed like eternity, I saw Samantha headed to the restroom. I scanned the room for the guy who was dancing with her to find him smirking to a brunette. Shit! I'm going to kill him. "Dude, what's wrong?" Frank said in a loud voice.

"Frank, please, get off my back! Will you?" I gulped my drink and marched to my car. Shit! I lost them. I kept searching with bated breath for God knows how much time. Suddenly, I saw a dark figure walking weakly just when I drove closer, I saw her. I parked the car, slamming the door. As quick as a wink, Samantha hurried her steps, running as if her life depended on it. Easily, I caught to her, circling my arms around her shivering body.

"Sam...Sam... look at me." I turned her in order to see her face.

To say that I was fuming with madness was an understatement. Slightly, she relaxed.

"You are fine now... no one can hurt you," I said, wiping her tears.

She started sobbing, hiccupping while saying, "They always do...and it fucking hurts."

I tried to calm her down, hugging her I muttered to myself more than to herself "Shh...I will always be around...I will never let anyone hurt you never..."

I kissed her forehead, hugging her tightly to my chest.

We were sitting in the car, listening to the taping of the windshield.

I turned on the engine, unable to control the words, "Where's the scumbag? I will kill him."

"You won't do anything. I did more than enough," She said in a serious tone, never removing her gaze from the window.

"What did you do exactly?" I was really curious.

"I don't think he will be having babies in the future." Her voice had a hint of cynicism.

I laughed but what she uttered made me park the car. Darting her head to my side, she engulfed her small hand over mine.

"Promise me you won't tell Samuel. I got everything under control."

I looked into her eyes that were identical to her brother's blue ones. Hers were a shade brighter. "I'm a big girl, and I don't need my brother to worry about me. Will you promise?" Every time I looked at her eyes, I felt I was betraying my friend as if I was stabbing him in the back. I wanted to tell her that you were always the one who held my heart, but I would ruin everything. Nothing would return the way it was. I was doomed to hide my feelings and suffer in isolation.

"I promise," I squeezed her hand. I clenched my fist when I saw her bruised lip. I felt her discomfort.

"Let me tend to your wound." The engine roared to life, I found myself fixing my gaze on the road.


Julia's POV

"Samuel...Samuel." I kept repeating. My eyelids were heavy.

"I'm here, love. I felt his soft touch on my arm." I deliberately opened my eyes.

I looked at his tired face. I stared into his face. Immediately, I knew something was wrong.

I started panicking when he remained quiet.

"Speak to me!" I paused touching my stomach. "Is it my baby?" I cried out.             

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