Ch. 22

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I was sleeping when I felt a gush of air blown in my ear. I turned my head to feel the wind was blown in my other ear. I pulled the pillow and covered my head to find my self giggling non-stop, "Samuel, stop!!" I said between laughs. I tried to block him from pulling the covers. He just pulled me with the covers like old times on the sofa and everything moved so fast, Samuel was above me, tickling me again, then he held me tightly and kissed me deeply, but I pushed him on the sofa again and ran away to open the door but was tackled from behind and after that Samuel showed me that his love never changed a tiny bit.

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It was Friday when Samuel decided that he doesn't want to go to work. He wanted to take me somewhere he urged me to dress fast without even having breakfast saying, "We'll eat on our way, now hurry up and I promise you, I'll take you to pinkberry now."

"Can you please tell me where are we going?" I knew Samuel won't say a word, but I was enjoying the moment it was as if having a flashback. Time flies so fast, but some people never change.

Samuel squeezed my hand gently, "You still have to learn to be patient,"
"I still hate surprises," I sighed and leaned my head on the window.

Samuel smiled knowing very well I was going to say that.

We arrived after 15 minutes, he ordered me to close my eyes.

"How I will walk? I will keep stumbling," I folded my hands.

Samuel took my hand in his and said, "Don't worry love, I will always protect you, you have nothing to fear, I will be your eyes now," he kissed my forehead.

"Honey, are you okay? Why do I feel you are hiding something?" I was trying to be sarcastic.

Samuel stayed quiet, he covered my eyes with his hands, "walk and no peaking."

I did as he instructed, then he stopped walking. I opened my eyes, what I saw made me dumbfounded? I was at the beach. Flowers were scattered every where. Samuel was no where to be seen, I started following the flowers like the day he proposed. I was wondering where he was hiding and how did he manage to disappear so fast. I reached the end of the path to find a balloon tied to a table. On the table, I saw a laptop with a yellow sticky note on top (open me :)), I opened the laptop with another sticky note ( turn me on ;) ). I removed the sticky note from the screen and waited for the laptop to come to live.

I clicked the only file that was visible on the desktop. A video appeared in the file. I pressed a file Samuel came in view, "Hi, baby! I guess you are wandering why I made this video, bear with me, okay," he smirked and the screen went dark, then few seconds, " Congratulations," Samantha screamed from the screen, I was wearing my wedding dress, I was dancing with Samuel, it was our wedding night. Samantha was holding the camera now, she went close towards my parents, my mom was the first to speak, "On your special day, all I can say that I am blessed because you are my child, the secret that I will say is that without you, your father became a better man because of you, when you see this, you will be confused but it's a long story, I will tell you later, when I see you for sure," I was definitely confused and my mom smiled, my father held her hand, "My sweet child, I love you and I am proud of you, whoever said it, they were right, like mother like daughter, you are strong and independent just like your mother, both of you complete me, I was once a bad person, but your mom changed me and when she was pregnant, I couldn't be any happier because of you I learned to be responsible and not to give up."

I didn't notice the tears that were on my cheeks, I wiped them, to find Samuel standing in front of me, he closed the laptop, he kissed my forehead and I embraced him, hearing his heartbeat and smelling his cologne. We stayed like that until I heard him sigh, I tilted my head to look at his face, worry and sadness were drawn all over his face.
He looked into my eyes, he was having difficulty with whatever he wanted to say. I remained quiet waiting for his words. I heard his voice, saw his lips moving, but the moment I registered the meaning of his words, I had wide eyes, I couldn't breath, "Baby, I am truly sorry, I couldn't do anything to help," Samuel said, he was trying to calm me down.

"It's not your fault, where is he now," I was sobbing by now.

"Your father arrived at 3 a.m, you have to be strong for your mom," he wiped my tears.

Samuel words were like an electric shock to my brain, "Your father isn't well. He had a heart attack while he was in a business trip, the meeting was in California."

"What are we waiting for?" I frowned.

"He is now in the hospital, the doctors said he will be fine, he is a strong, healthy man, he will make it through," Samuel said, "but-"

"But what?" I interrupted.

Samuel continued, "Someone wanted to hurt your father, the doctors said a dose of ibuprofen made his heart rate accelerate. He wasn't taking any medicine your mom clarified, now let's go, I am with you baby."

He hugged me tightly and I wished all was a bad dream.

#173 in teen fiction 🎉🎉
Thank you great readers SO MUCH
I can't believe my own eyes!

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