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                 Strange shapes and void afflict the soul                  

                                    And shadow to the eye

                  A world on fire while smoke seas roll  

                           And lightening rend the sky                          

                                                                                                   John Clare             

George's P.O.V   
I was thinking about her all day long. I couldn't concentrate on the stack of files, so I strolled my way to the elevator, heading to my red Ferrari. I couldn't take it any longer, I had to see her, and I had to talk to her. She must be with Julia at the hospital.

Good thing there was no traffic; I'll be arriving in no time. As I reached the hospital, I saw her walking in the corridor. Her hair was like a summer breeze on a sunny day. She was wearing a scarlet dress that reached to her knees with her mind focusing on her phone, she never saw me standing in the middle of the way, admiring her beauty. Her gaze was averted when it was too late; she collapsed in my chest. I steadied her. With wide eyes she said, "Sorry."

"Old habits never change," I smirked.

She laughed and picked up her purse. "Well, it is partly your fault. Why didn't you move out of the way? You did see me coming?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I was enjoying the view." No going back. 

She gulped and her cheeks became a crimson red.

"I have to go," she whispered, but I held her arm. "We need to talk."

She nodded her head.

We walked to my car. My grip on the steering wheel was tight. My hands were sweaty. Today would be the day; no turning back. It was now or never; that what I was planning until I received a message from Samuel. I looked at Sam and saw her in the same situation as I was. She was fumbling with her fingers.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"No" she answered.

More ten minutes of awkwardness had passed. I parked the car.

"Hmm, do you want to sit on that bench?" she pointed her finger. I followed the direction. I opened the door without saying anything, she followed. We sat there enjoying the peace and quiet.

With a lament expression on her face she asked, "George, are you okay?"

"Why did you kiss me, Sam?" I asked out of the blue. You idiot!! Why did you ask such a question?

"What do you want me to say?" she blurted. "You wanted to talk. So talk!" she challenged.

"Okay, Sam about that kiss. I see you as a friend," I bawled; regretting the shit that I just uttered.

She grunted, "Look into my eyes and say it."

I looked into her pearly eyes. Shit!! She was broken, and it was my entire fault.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. I ruined everything! I'm a bastard.

With sadistic anger, Sam gripped my shirt collar tightly; her face inches away from mine. "You're lying," she exploded.

I shook my head, "I'm not the right guy. You deserve someone –"

"Don't you dare," she warned. I could feel her warm breathe, she leaned up, and kissed me passionately; pouring all her emotions. I knew what she was trying to do, and I was losing battle. Maybe I should lose. I fell for her long time ago. I couldn't control myself, not when she was too close. I could feel her heart pounding so fast. She was so soft. Her touch was putting my world on fire. I did it. I kissed her back. Pulling her close to me, one hand on her waist, while the other on her right shoulder. She relaxed, smiled, her tight fist on my collar moved to touch my face. She broke the kiss, and I was greedy. I wanted more so I locked our lips again. This time she wasn't expecting it. Running my fingers in her hair, I murmured, "I love you, Sam." She gasped, pulling away to look at my face, and beamed with joy, "I love you too."

I nuzzled her neck, kissing her repeatedly up to her ear, where I whispered, "You were always the one; always had, always will."     

Sorry for the short update

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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