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Detective had been investigating with the Boss, Mafia's leader. There had been a client who gave orders to the Mafia. They had no information who was this client, they never saw his face. They used to communicate through messages from an unknown number. The cobs were trying to detect the user in order to track it down. We had to wait. There's nothing to do. I wasn't going to interfere, I promised Samuel I wouldn't do anything behind his back.

Those days were passing slowly as if time has stopped. When you wait anxiously for a call, or good news, time becomes a burden.

Despite the fact that we were trying to be cautious with our actions in order to be safe, Samuel insisted that the wedding date would be held as assigned. We won't allow anyone to make us change our decision, we'll live our life our way.

Samantha was helping me choose a dress since my mother was obliged to return with dad to England for business affairs.

"How do I look?" I said with pleading eyes. I think I stopped counting after the tenth try of the dress.

"Julia, girl, imagine yourself in those Tv shows were you have to say yes to the dress, now take this off, it's horrible," she said while scrolling through her phone.

"Thanks for the good vibe," I said sarcastically.

I went to the boutique, I was looking at the white dresses. I went to a section were dresses were put aside, not for sale, I read, but I saw a beautiful dress, I called the lady who was helping me, "excuse me, I want this dress from this section," I smiled.

" Madam, this section is not for sale, but we can make an exception, you've tried most of our dresses and my job is to make our customers happy," she handed me the dress.

I went into the changing room. It was a fairy tale dress, it was the one. An Ivory-Cathedral train jewel dress. I called Samantha to come into the dressing room. "It's the one," I said while giggling.

"OMG, Julia, you look like a queen," she laughed and hugged me.

While we were going out of the bridal store, I received a text.

"Golden Park, 3:00 p.m, come alone."

My hands were trembling, "Are you okay?" Samantha asked.

"Y-Yeah, a bit cold that's it," I smiled. "I have to go to university, I have this assignment," I lied.

"Oh, sure, I'll make sure your dress arrives safe to your bedroom," she giggled.

As soon as she left, I replied to the message,
"The library, 2:00 p.m, I'll be waiting,"

My phone beeped after few minutes
" No funny stuff"


It was 12:30, I had an hour and a half to make a plan.

It's a Game Over.

I was waiting in the library, I still had 5 minutes. I was watching students, staff, teachers, and everyone.

A tall guy wearing an eye glasses walked my way and sat in the chair in front of me.

"Julia," he nodded his head.

"You don't want money, so what do you want," I said calmly.

"You are a smart girl, Samuel is our target, not you, but you disturbed us, you were always their ruining our plans," he frowned.

"Hmm, what about I give you a deal, I can help you, what do you say?" I said while crossing my hands.

"Why would you help us? Do you think I am stupid to believe this?" He said with a glare.

"I am tired, I want to live a normal life and to prove my intentions, I would go back to the dorms, the wedding is off," at that he raised his eyebrows.

After a pause, "I'll give you a hint, he has something which belongs to us, the owner wants it back," with that he stood up leaving me confused.

I ran from the exit door of the library, I went inside the taxi that was waiting for me and started following the man who was giving me hints from a while. The guy was going to the suburbs, I told the driver to slow down, I went out of the car, a cop was waiting for me in a another taxi, he was undercover. The man reached to a building, he met another guy, they sat in a café.

"I am going to take you home, Ms. Thanks for your cooperation. Your work here is done," the driver said.

I went out of the taxi and into the mansion. I entered my room, turned on the lights, "ahhhh," I screamed. "Samuel, what the hell, you scared me," said while putting a hand on my heart.

His face grew serious as he looked at me. "You promised me," he said while scratching his neck.

"I am sorry, it just happened," I managed to say.

"You keep doing this and I can't take it anymore. You don't care for anyone's opinion, you just do without caring for circumstances, you don't tell me anything," he frowned his eyebrows.

"Speak for yourself," I glared at him.

"What did you just say?" He sounded furious.

"You heard me, he said, I'll give you a hint that you have something which belongs to us, the owner wants it back,"
I waited for him to say anything to defend himself. He remained quiet.

"Thought so," I said.

I turned my back to him opened the door, "I am going back to the dorm,"

I couldn't move, his voice pulled me, "It's time you know everything," he said quietly.

I sat on the sofa and waited while he was pacing the room. "He is one of my relatives, the client I mean. He's behind everything. Grandpa disowned him from his rights after lots of stuff from fights to drugs. He has a share in the companies that I currently run, but Grandpa threw him out. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't find the right time. I am sorry, I was just scared if you knew that he would try to-"
He couldn't finish his sentence.

"I am fine, he can't do anything," I said while locking eyes.

"Detective called from a while, he said Alfred,that's his name, was arrested, he won't hurt us anymore," he informed.

"Really," I moved the hair from my face. "I can't believe it, so I guess I can go back to the dorm now," I said in a serious tone.

I saw Samuel shocked at my statement. "No," he ordered.

"Geez, I was joking, you need to stop being so commanding," I chuckled.

"Are you making fun of me?" He said with a smirk.

I took a breath, "Nope," popping the p for dramatic effect and ran out of the room.

He was chasing me and I ended up in the garden. I was distracted by the snowflake, I stretched my hand and caught the small crystals in the palm of my hand, it was a lovely evening. I saw Samuel's face smile as he watch my every single move.

"I love snow," I said.

"You should run in a marathon, you sure are a fast runner," he said while taking a breath.

"I used to, back in England," I made a snow ball "incoming" it hit his face and I laughed.

"That hurts," he laughed and aimed at me. We played for a while wishing our laughter and these moments would exist forever.

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