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I had been staying for about a month at Samuel's mansion. The police was still searching for my attacker. I couldn't stop worrying about it, I kept thinking. I was trying to distract myself by studying for the coming exams. It worked, I was studying for about two hours and I needed a break. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in"

Samuel walked in, he was carrying in his hand a white envelope.

"Hi," Samuel walked in and sat on the sofa in front of me. Putting the envelope on the table.

"Hi," I smiled, closed the book and put it aside. I opened the envelope and looked back at him.

"I know what are you thinking and you can't say no," he leaned his back and gave me a daring look.

"Look, we need to talk... Uh," he folded his hands and was waiting patiently, "I want to thank you for your abundant generosity and hospitality but all of this have to stop. I am not a guest anymore and I can't live like that. It is either I rent this room, or I am leaving."

He sighed and unfolded his arm, "Julia, I am going to pretend we never had this conversation. You saved my life, it is the least I can do. There's a psycho after you which is because of me."

"What do you mean? You've been hiding something all this time, I should've known." I felt so dumb. "You said he was in jail, the cameras detected his face.."

"He is in jail. Damn it...I don't know who attacked you, I have enemies and people who hate me. They knew about you and they are trying to get to me through you. I dunno when they're going to make their second move but when they do, we'll be ready to surprise them." He touched my cheek and wiped the tears that I never knew about. I hugged him so tight and he kissed my forehead.

"I brought you a gift, you will wear it for tomorrow's evening. It's my mother's birthday." A servant entered the room, put a white box on the bed, and left.

Samuel walked out of the room after receiving a phone call.

I looked at the box and opened it. A long formal dress. A blue sleeveless, flattering dress fits snug over the body and gently flares out into a mermaid style. It had lace straps that flow over the shoulders creating a lovely square open back. It was beautiful.

* * *
"Daisy, I am nervous," I just washed my hair and I found Daisy waiting patiently for me. She was carrying a curling wand. "Is that all Madame, do you need anything else?"

"Daisy, how many times I told you to call me Julia," I said with a sigh.

"Sorry, I'll try... Are you sure you don't need any help?"

"Yes, thank you that's all," I insisted that I could make my hair and finish before evening. Samuel had another opinion, he was going to bring a whole team of designers to help me get ready which I declined.

After two hours, I was doing the final touches to my hair and wore my high heels just in time for Daisy to enter the room.

"Madam-" I gave her a glare, " I mean J-Juila, you look beautiful, my child." She smiled.

"I am really nervous, though"

"Don't worry, they'll love you, now Mr. Samuel is waiting for you downstairs," she headed outside of the room.

I looked at the mirror, took a deep breath, and walked out of the room. I was walking down the stairs, making sure I wouldn't fall and break my neck. Then I saw him, he was talking on the phone and as soon as our eyes met, he forgot his phone with an open mouth, "Y-you look beautiful, hell, I'm not talking to you Jim, see you at the party," he put his phone in his pocket while I tried to control my giggles. He was wearing a black tuxedo. He looked handsome. He took my hand and opened the door.

The party was held at Hilton Hotel. The lobby was gigantic. We walked to the dinner room. I was used to such parties. I used to go with my parents, actually forced to, I never liked fake people. So I knew how to handle such situations. As soon as we entered, eyes were fixed on us. Samuel put his hand on my waist and I was taken aback by his touch. He smiled and whispered in my ear, "You are the belle of the party, little mermaid," I was pretty shy by now but managed to put a smile on my face.

"Mrs. Gates this is Julia, Julia this is my mother," I was standing in front of an elegant lady, she was wearing a black long dress and with her short blond hair, she looked like Lady Diana.

"Julia, it is nice meeting you at last, I heard so much about you," she took my hand and touched it tenderly with a smile on her face. "Samuel, people were asking about you. Why don't you welcome them and leave Julia here with me." Samuel raised his eyebrows,


"Samuel, people are waiting," she narrowed her eyes.

Samuel looked from me to his mother, he was reluctant but was inclined to walk away.

"Happy Bithday, Mrs. Gates," I said while we walked and then entering a room with two sofas in the middle. It was a living room. She told me to sit.

"Listen Julia, I want you to hear me without any interruptions, do I make myself clear?" She said with a smile.

I nodded my head. I was curious of what she was going to say and it seems Samuel inherited from his mother the commanding tone.

"I knew if it weren't for you, Samuel would've been... d..dead," she stuttered while closing her eyes. "You were courageous and you are beautiful. You saved him and I really appreciated it. All I am trying to say is that I think that Samuel is overreacting, he doesn't know what is he doing anymore. He has a sense of duty towards you and I think you are enjoying it, who wouldn't?" I was biting my lips, trying to stop the tears from falling, I am not going to show her any signs of weakness.

She continued, "This should stop," she was frawning, "I want you to leave, you are not welcome here. I know people like you, you are plotting everything, I had doubts that you had something to do with the shooting scene," I couldn't remain silent after hearing her cruel words, I stood up "Enough, I am not going to listen to any of your nonsense," I was going to push the door open, I turned, "I just want to tell you I forgive you even though you are wrong, but you are a concerned mother. I- I am going to prove you're wrong. I will leave now. Enjoy your evening, Mrs. gates."

I left the room, leaving a shocked woman behind.

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