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Two weeks had passed. Everything had been hectic. I was busy with all the exams and assignments. Samuel was at work all day long. I didn't see him that much. We never talked about that kiss and I was nervous. I think he is trying to avoid me. Maybe he thought it was a
mistake. My thoughts were driving me crazy. One thing I was sure about is that I like him, I even miss hearing his steps in the corridor, I like his spontaneous actions, his smile, but I shouldn't allow this to happen, to think about my feelings, it is wrong. I will go back to my normal life soon. Mrs. Gates was right, she thinks Samuel's actions are a sense of duty. I saved his life and he's paying back his debt. That's it.

During those two weeks, I was sleeping well. I wasn't feeling tired all the time. I was eating well too. I was feeling good.

It was Monday and I had classes in the morning. I was grabbing my bag when Daisy entered the room.

"Julia dear, you have a visitor,"

"Okay, Daisy," I entered the living room to see Samuel's sister. Last time I saw her at the restaurant.

"Hi, Samantha, long time," she smiled and hugged me.

"Hi, I need to talk to you," she looked at my bag, "Sorry, I didn't know you have somewhere to go."

"No, it is okay," I sat down on the couch and she sat near me, "Tell me."

"I want to talk about Samuel." I nodded for her to go on. "Um.. I know he has been acting strange, never showing up. You have to know that it is all new for him. He never showed interest in any woman. He is a workaholic. He doesn't do relationships, then you came, you saved his life. You were different, you know what you want, you talk to him without caring for his title or position. When he is with you, he acts as Samuel, not the CEO. I never seen him smile like that since for ever. All I am trying to say is to be patient with him, have faith in him. He only needs time." She smiled at me and stood up turned her back, "S-Sorry about my mother, she'll get use to you."

I was left stunned with all the amount of information I received. I decided I will wait, I can do nothing but wait.

I am home and I am going to wait.

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