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"Hallo, Ms. Bloom. I am Detective Harold. I've been investigating the shooting scene and the accidents that followed, I think we found out who's behind it." I shake his hand and he puts a file on the table in front of me. Samuel entered the room after having a phone call and sat right next to me.

The detective continued:
"He is known by the name Charles Luciano or Lucky Luciano. He is a Mafia activist, associated with all kinds of illegal gambling, robbery, bribery, fraud, loan sharking, and money laundering."

"What does he want exactly?" Samuel asked and I didn't miss his sharp intake of breath.

"Well, he's extremely powerful and influential. He takes his job seriously."

"I understand," Samuel scratched his neck.

"What did you understand exactly? When Samuel didn't answer I turned "Detective, kindly elaborate!"

"It seems that Luciano is after one of you. I don't think they are after you," pointing at me.

"So they won't stop until it ends badly." Detective said.

"Badly?" Samuel questioned.

"As in murdering you." I said weakly.

There was a deadly silence. I couldn't find words to describe my fear about the whole situation.

"If it were the case of murdering, Samuel would've been killed long time ago even from the first encounter, look at those pictures that were taken from cameras at different place both of you've been." Opening the file, he handed me an envelope of pictures, looking at one picture which shows Samuel and I at the park, his sister hugging me and a dark figure in the corner watching us.

Another picture when I was on the balcony at the evening, "look, at your mother's birthday," A dark figure was behind me. I was bewildered. How I didn't notice. I stared at Samuel to see he never took his eyes from my face.
"He was so close, he, he could've -"

"Stop, you are here now. That's what matter at the moment."

He turned his attention to Detective. "What do you recommend?"

"We are going to trick them. Ms. Julia, you would cooperate with us. Won't you?" He asked.



Samuel and I said at the same time.
"What the-"

"Hell, no!"

"I want to help. Detective, I am in." I really wanted to help.

"Detective, I said no. She might get hurt. I wouldn't allow her to be a bait."
He was frowning and glared at me to speak. I was frustrated, I remained silent and chose to remain quiet.

With that Detective Harold left the room, leaving us both with a deadly silence.

Samuel was crossing his hands. He looked tense. I waited for him to say something when he didn't I decide to go to bed. I walked out of the room though I heard him call my name. I ignored him.

"Wait," his voice was pleading.

I didn't want to turn, he stood blocking my way. "Can we talk?"

I was going to say no but his pleading eyes were so honest I couldn't. So I nodded.

I followed him to the kitchen. He started making tea.
"I thought you wanted to talk," I crossed my arms.

" We will while drinking tea," he smirked.

After placing two mugs on the table, he took a sip of his while I watched.

"Drink, " he ordered.

I was about to say something which I would regret but I was taken aback by his hands holding mine.

"I am sorry. I overreacted earlier. It is a dangerous situation, you could get hurt. I can't let this happen again."

"Samuel, I have to do this. You have to understand they already know me. With or without your permission, I am in this, we are in this together."

He looked at my face, he was having a hard time accepting all of this "I am sorry. It is all my faullt," his eyes were fixed on the mug.

"It's not your fault. Don't feel like that. Just keep in mind that I never regret being at Pinkberry that day. It was meant to be, call it destiny," I went to the sink, washed the two mugs. I turned and said "Goodnight, Samuel." I wanted to walk away but my legs were fixed to the ground. I wanted him to say anything.

He walked out of his seat, moved towards me, he pulled me to his strong chest, "Julia, if anything happens to you, i would -" I put my forefinger on his lips. "Nothing would happen. I am a strong woman."

Samuel insisted to walk with me to my room. Before entering the room, Samuel stopped me, "I-I ..things wouldn't change when all of this end."

"What do you mean?" I wanted him to explain. Maybe I knew what he was talking about, but I wanted him to say it.

"Um... Julia, I don't know. I really care about you. I get worried sick when something happens to you. I tried to put a distance maybe all of this would go away. It got worse, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't sleep just of the thought that you would get hurt." He was trying to look every where, he was nervous.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know." He was suffering all this time because of me, I was selfish, I should've done something, anything. I felt something but I throw away that feeling. I didn't cared.

Samuel moved closer cuddled my cheeks,"You shouldn't apologize, I should," I wanted to differ, but he said,"I am sorry it took me so long to realize it, you are driving me crazy, I can't live my life without you. Julia Bloom, I am falling deeply and inextricably in love with you."

Words were stuck in my throat, I was astonished by his confession. I found my head leaning toward his chest, circling my arms around his back, he kissed my forehead and whispered words that made me smile.

"You hair smells like strawberry."

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