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Samantha was sitting by my side. She was looking different. Something was odd, and she was not her usual self. I knew her more than I knew myself. We got really close; she's the best sister anyone would wish to have.

I had been in the hospital for a whole week. The doctor was making blood tests, and I was worried for the baby. The doctor said I had anemia, so I was taking iron and folic acid. The nurse checked my iron level every three hours. The dizziness and feeling faint were all symptoms as well as paleness  and shortness of breath.

I missed my children. They visited me a couple of times, but most of the time we talked on the phone. I averted my gaze to Samantha who was deep in thoughts.

"Knock. Knock." I waved at her face. She blinked two times, startled as if she was in another world.

"Hey," she muttered. I looked at her face, waiting for her to say something; only silence.

"Okay. Say it!"

"Say what?" She acted dumb.

I narrowed my eyes, "Girl, you can't fool me. Start using your loaf!"

"Okay, okay. I know I look a bag of nerves," she sighed. " I'm confused ... I don't know from where to begin," she paused "even I can't believe what happened," she exhaled.

"Pipe down a bit and start from the beginning," I asserted.

She took a deep breath and started talking. I never attempted to interrupt her. I just nodded my head, squeezed her hand, and waited patiently while she poured all her feelings.

"He was always the one, Julia. I tried so much to forget him but somehow he managed to come back. He's my brother's best friend after all. He was always around. How could I? Dammit, it's inevitable. George treated me like a friend and that's what irritated me. I never wanted him to be a friend, but he treated me like one. However, sometimes I felt he cared more than a friend, I can read it in his eyes as if there's more.... until"

When she didn't say anything, I asked, "What happened?"

"You were missing. I was panicking and crying...Everything happened so fast... we kissed," she explained. "I'm really confused."

"I'm sure George likes you, but you should talk to him," I was trying to comfort her.

"What should I say? What if he left for good?" She hastily shook her head.

"If he's really the one, don't worry he'll come around. Sam, you're a strong, independent woman. You're a successful scientist and a beautiful woman too. Just be you and don't worry about the rest. Now, I know you need a hug," I finished, opening my arms. She cracked a laugh and hugged me. "Thank you," she whispered.

Samantha left from half an hour, and Samuel will arrive any minute. He had an important meeting and was running late. I was dying of boredom. The hospital and the smell of antiseptic was sickening me. I don't know for how long I kept staring at the ceiling. It was so quiet until someone cleared his throat.

"Samuel, wher-" I held my tongue the moment my eyes met the least person I expected to see. I stretched my hand to reach the electronic button to call the nurse, but his pleading voice urged me to stop.

"You have three minutes, Vin," I snarl through gritted teeth. 

"Fine! It wasn't me. I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Stop lying," I snapped. 

"Someone threatened to kidnap my child; I had to do it. Your father helped me in ways no human being would do on earth, but he did. I put a small doze which affect him and if it did, it it wouldn't be severe. Your father knows, and now they think your dad is dead. It was the only way to know who was behind destroying his company as well as his life. I would never betray your father," he proclaimed.

"What about the message and kidnapping me, huh? What do you have to say about that?" I glared at him, unable to believe his words.

"I admit; I send the message just to gain sometime. I can't say more, you should ask your father. I wasn't the one who kidnapped you. Please believe me. I was an idiot when I thought I could be the one. So, I apologize for that. I have a family now. I would never do anything to hurt you. I owe your family a lot," he proclaimed with pleading eyes.

"If what you're saying is true, then who kidnapped me?" I asked with wide eyes.

"That's what I'm trying to find out. I wish you could forgive me one day." Vin walked away never looking back and leaving me dumbfounded. Who wanted to hurt us? My family was in danger. My chest was heaving and with hiccuping sobs, I couldn't control my sobs. Maybe it was the pregnancy... maybe I was overwhelmed. It was okay to let our tears flow... but I was deteriorating. I was scared for my children, for my parents, and for my husband. What can I do? I was carrying a soul inside me and my body was weak. It was too much. Air was becoming thick. Two strong hands held me, wiped my tears.

"Julia...Julia... what's wrong baby.. talk to me," his worried voice brought me back to reality. He held my face. " look at me ... Julia...look at me...I'm here now... no one can hurt you!"

"But they will hurt you," I said through sobs.

"No, they won't." He kissed my salty cheeks. Staring into my eyes, he said, "we'll age together. I'll be old, ugly wrinkled with grey hair, then you would regret marrying me."

I found myself smiling and sniffed. He engulfed in a tight hug throwing all my fears and worries through the window.

His breathing was deep and relaxing which allowed my heavy eyelids to close against my will.


♥️♥️Happy New Years to all ♥️♥️

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