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A month had passed since the incident. I was busy studying for the finals. Being hectic helped me distract my thoughts from overthinking about what happened. Something was missing, a part of the puzzle was incomplete, and I had a strange feeling that the game wasn't over yet.

"Julia, are you ready?" He was knocking at the door.

"Yes, you can come in," I called from inside the room.

I was wearing a pale blush lace dress that reached to above my knees. It had a deep V -back with an exposed zipper down the full back of the dress. I put my hair in a long, high pony.

When Samuel entered, I turned around, "What do you think? Is it good to where we are going?"

He came closer, like really close, his hand found my bare back, his other hand found mine. "W-What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm dancing," he smiled.

"But there's no music," I argued.

"And now the spin," he turned me around and I laughed.

Our hands intertwined and we left.

The drive was silent, "So where are we going?"

"You tried before, you should learn to be patient," he said with a smirk.

"Okay..okay.." I sighed.

He parked the car. "Are we there yet?"

"No. I have to make a phone call. Wait in the car," he closed the door behind him. One minute he was near the car, then another second he disappeared. I went out of the car, he was nowhere to be seen. I heard a voice, I followed it. It was dark, flashlights were going on and off. I was standing on sand, I could hear the sound of waves. "Samuel, where are you?" I called out.

I took off my heels. I saw flower petals that were scattered everywhere, I started following the path, I found a small box, picked it up, it contained an envelope, I opened it and read "Will"
I followed the path of petals to find another box with an envelope inside and a single letter, "U".
I reached the end of the path, there were no more petals, but I saw five balloons, each with a letter on it, M A R R Y, I wanted to hold them but the minute I touched the rope, they flew up high in the air, and my eyes met his blue eyes and he said, "ME," his eyes were sincere and passionate.

"Will you marry me?" He said while kneeling.

My eyes were open wide, I couldn't believe it, I had tears in my eyes.

He opened a small, red box that showed a diamond ring. He was waiting patiently for my answer and I was having difficulty with breathing.

"Y-Yes," it came out as a squeak.
He placed the ring firmly in my finger, kissed the back of my hand, stood up and carried me, he kissed me deeply, and I was flying in his arms.

I think time has stopped...

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