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I knew I was being mad, but since my threat was in vain, Samuel was still working on his own and insisting that I stay out of it, so I decided I am going to do the same.

I talked to Detective and told him about Samuel's plan. He wasn't surprised by the news. He assured me that his men were watching every single step.

I woke up early in the morning, I hastily scribbled a note on a piece of paper. I went to Samuel's room, he was fast asleep, I left it near his phone. I looked at his sleepy face, I was doing this for him. He will be angry but that's not important right now.

It took me ten minutes to reach to the park. The Detective will be waiting for me, he said anyone would be following us that I should be ready for anything.

I looked around, it was empty. Few people were around, it was pretty cold. I had been waiting for about half an hour, Detective hadn't showed up yet.
I sat on the bench watching the ducks swimming in the lake. Two guys were jogging while listening to music. I grabbed the phone, dialed Detective's number, he picked up after the second ring.

"Julia, listen carefully to what I have to say, whatever happens we are close and we'll save you."

"So, your not coming," I couldn't hear his reply, the same two guys who were jogging stood in front of me. I tried to outrun them, they were strong, someone came from behind, his grip  was tightened upon my wrist, a napkin  covered my face and I inhaled its content, I fell in a dead faint.

My sight was coming back, my surrounding was blur, I was tied up to a chair and there was a hood on my face. I tried to sense my surroundings, probably smell anything, but there was a strong perfume. I felt someone's breath an inch away from my face.
In one swift movement, the hood was ripped from my head, this made me blink repeatedly.

I was met with a contorted angry face, crocked nose and dark eyes. "Little Julia, we meet at last," he smirked devilishly. I was trying to remain calm. "You gave us such a hard time," he said while yanking my hair. "If it weren't for you, I would've handed the package long time ago."

"What do you want?" I asked staring at his face.

He slapped me fast and furiously, I yelped as a reaction gagged. "Put a gag on her mouth," he growled to a guy.

A trickle of blood fell from my nose like raindrops. A man flanked with two bulky bodyguards entered the room.

"Boss, this the one,"

"Why is she bleeding on my carpet, fix this. I don't want her bleeding while looking at her," he waved his hand, one man took off the gag and untied me from the chair, took me by the wrist to a container of water, pushed my head inside the water. My lungs were urging me for oxygen, I was about to suffocate. He pulled me up, "Boss, is it clean enough?" I didn't hear his answer, but I was forced to sit back on the chair. I looked at the Boss who had a scar on his face, he smiled which made him look more hideous than ever.
One of his minions brought him a chair, he sat right in front of me, his knee touching mine. I felt disgusted. "I am not scared of you," I hissed.

He sighed deeply exhaling the smoke toward my face which made me realize I never noticed the cigarette between his fingers. I did the reckless thing ever, I glance at him and smiled, he raised his eye brows, I clutched the cigarette and pressed it on his face. He stood up from his place, "You bitch," his minions were lost around him, I smirked in triumph, unfortunately not for so long, the chair was knocked down on the ground. I fell down on the floor, receiving one blow after the other.

I didn't know when all the hitting had stopped, I was beaten unconscious.

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