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I woke up early in the morning to find Samuel falling asleep on the chair near my bed. I was feeling guilty. I tiptoed, got a blanket from the wardrobe, and covered him, which made his eyes  open.

"I am so sorry, you should sleep in bed, you must be tired," I said tenderly.

"No, it is okay," moving his fingers in his hair.

I wanted to go back to bed but stumbled with the carpet and fell on Samuel. I was sitting on his lap. I was so embarrassed.

"Um... sorry," I said in a whisper. I looked at Samuel to see a smirk plastered on his face. I tried to move, but I was stuck, his arm was circling my bag and with his free hand he cupped my cheek.

"I love you more when you blush," he smirked. My heart was beating really fast at his confession. His face was so close, I could see his fiery blue eyes, I could live this moment forever. I was flying with glee. His face was inches away from mine, my hands cupped his face, but moved away when a knock on the door was heard. Samuel moved to open the door while frowning, "yes!"

"Good morning, sir," Daisy said, holding a package in her hand.

I giggled at Samuel's impression. "Morning, Daisy. Is this package for me?"

"Yes, dear." She put it on the table and left.

I wonder who is it from, there is no sender, strange. "A teddy bear, do I have a secret admirer?"  I teased.

"What? Who is he?" He took the teddy bear from my hand. He started shaking it. Turning it upside down. Trying to find a tag.

"Someone's jealous. You are going to kill it." I laughed.

He was looking inside the box when I heard a voice tick.. tick..tick..

I pushed Samuel to the ground who looked bewildered at my action. He didn't have time to react. I ran to the window, threw the teddy bear as fast as I could .

The throw wasn't that far.


A deep loud voice was heard. I curled on the floor trying to hide my ears. It was so loud. My head was spinning. The loud noise stopped, and I tried to turn my head but couldn't. The silence was deafening.

"S-Samuel," I murmured slowly.

My eyelids were heavy. Opening my eyes, I could see fog covering all my surrounding. I was hearing his voice. He had a worried expression on his face. I couldn't feel anything, not even when he picked me up, and I was in his warm arms.

"Can you hear me, Julia? Stay with me, baby!!" The last words I had registered.


I woke up to an argument. It was Samuel and another voice. At first, I didn't notice the voice, it belongs to a woman. Either Samuel's mother or his sister."It is all my fault, I can't take it anymore."

"She is in danger because of me. I tried to bargain with them. They won't stop, sister."

"Trust me if you do this, they would stop their game," Samantha said softly.

"They won't stop, but I have to try. It has to end, I can't lose her, I love her,"
Samuel argued.

"I know, I know,"

When Samantha went out of the room, I opened my eyes. He was holding my hands.

"You can open your eyes now," Samuel sighed.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I watched you sleep." He smirked.

"I didn't know you were a Twilight fan," I joked.

He chuckled, "So in addition to your craziness and courageous act, I didn't know you would have more talents, you should joke more often."

"What are you planning on doing?" I said sternly.

"I am going to stop this my way," he folded me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"How ? Through a serial killer" I asked.

"More jokes, I see," he grinned and I hit him playfully on his shoulder.

He kissed me until we were interrupted by a voice clearing her throat.

"Sorry, yo guys, though you look so cute," she smirked.

"Stop it Samantha," Samuel narrowed his eyes at her while I tried to hide all the blush from my cheeks.

"Whatever you are planning, you should keep in mind, I am in." I pointed my finger to his chest, "or else you'll find me there waiting for you." I finished with a look that would make all the devils run away.

I wished I had a camera cause the impression on Samuel's face was priceless and Samantha's laughter was so loud which made the nurse drag poor Samantha outside of the hospital.

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