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I wanted to find Samuel, but I can't go inside the dinner room. I can't see his mom again so I was on the balcony, enjoying the cold wind playing with a strand of my hair. I was frustrated, I had to leave, just when I turned to walk inside I saw him. I tried to maneuver my way without being noticed, I was too late he pulled me by my wrist.

"I've been looking for you," he was angry but when he looked at my face, "What's wrong?" He pulled me closer.

I tried to look away. I was too tired to have this discussion right now.

"Julia, look at me." I pulled my arm from his grip. I turned so my back was to his. "I have to leave and this has to stop."

"I shouldn't have left you with my mother, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind," he was speaking like a madman.

"Please, don't. She is just being a mother. She thinks I am using you, that I... that I was behind everything... Everyone thinks like her, I wasn't surprised." I felt his hands around my shoulder, he turned me around, "You know I don't care for this bullshit, you shouldn't care too..." I was looking at the ground, his fingers settled gently on my chin, turning my face up to his and looking into my eyes, "Julia, I can't let you go," I wanted to object to say something, but he kissed me deeply and passionately. It was a short kiss but I was feeling dizzy, my feet were numb. He somehow knew that, he lifted me in his arms. "Your mom," I managed to utter as a whisper.
"Don't worry about her," he walked out of the hotel. "You are with me now. I'll never let you go away." "I..."

I didn't hear his last words because I was too tired to stay awake, I wanted to runaway. I knew he would never let me go and I didn't want him to.

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