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Julia's P.O.V

I heard his faint voice, he was calling me. I couldn't see him. He was faraway.

I was feeling body was hurting me.

I wasn't breathing, but I was still alive. I saw him. I saw myself. Was I dead? Samuel was touching my face, checking my pulse, I heard him scream, "I am losing her." His eyes became moist.

Am I dead? I was fading away. I couldn't see anything anymore.

The last thing I remember was his warm touch.

"Julia, baby, can you hear me?" A soft murmur, I felt his touch, my eyelids were heavy, I forced myself to open them, bright light from the fluorescent was blinding my sight, his hold on my hand made me turn my head, I saw his concerned face, his sad smile, "You are awake," he kissed my knuckles.

"It's over, you're safe now, everything is going to be just fine."

"I died," it came out as a whisper.

Samuel raised his eyebrows, "Wh-What?"

The door opened and steps entered. I turned my head, I couldn't stop my tears, "Mom..Dad.."

They embraced me and we cried. I never noticed when Samuel left, he wanted to leave me alone with my parents, how thoughtful.

My parents traveled to NewYork after hearing the news and my name, I was Julia Bloom: Secret Agent Who Caught the Boss, head news and the new face of the media.

Before my parents left to rest at the hotel, my father kissed my forehead and said,"Julia, my brave child, I love you so much and I'm proud of you,"

After they left, the nurse came for blood tests, then Samuel entered the room. He was hiding something behind his back. I looked with an amused smile, he came forward, "Roses for my beautiful lady," he gave me the bouquet and kissed my cheek. He sat on the edge of the bed and I noticed how tired he was with black circles around his eyes. He wasn't well.

"I-I am sorry," I said with a blurred vision.

He wiped the tears from my face, "I can't live without you, you died, your heart stopped," I put my forefinger on his lips, "I am here now, I came back for you, you saved me," I cuddled his cheek, "Samuel, your voice leaded the way and I just followed you. God gave me the will to come back to you.."

He locked his hand behind my neck, leaned forward and hugged me so deep. "No my love, you saved me," I never knew when I fell asleep on his shoulder, but I remember him saying, "Goodnight, love."

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