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Writing is definitely not an easy task!Brainstorming our ideas and building a plan in order to have a perfect art of work where we express our thoughts, feelings and most importantly we travel into different world forgetting reality for quite a time will always remain a hardwork and one that we enjoy it with no limits.

For all the writer on Wattpad, I know how it feels when someone tries to steal your work. Some of you might've faced such a problem but others didn't and I hope you won't. However, it is really frustrating and one hell agonizing experience.

We are all different in various ways with different cultures and mentality but we are all alike. We are all humans. We all have this passion of reading and writing, so I wonder why people perform plagiarism which is copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission; plagiarizing.

It is academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. 

In particular, when you say that this work is your first book, you made me laugh at that part. I think you should have some morals. We are all humans and we commit mistakes and for that I forgive you. I don't want to carry this burden on my chest, and I hope you don't do it again. It is alright to make mistakes, but what's not fine is never confessing that you commit a mistake. I hope you stop stealing other people's work. May God forgive you!!

If someone faced such a problem, kindly pm, and if you faced such a problem, let me know.

I'm here to support you!
Stay blessed and take care!!

Zouba/ Zeinab

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