Ch. 25

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A week had passed. My dad was doing well. My pregnancy was doing well, but Samuel was having hectic days. Days filled with early meeting and late meetings. He was just exhausting himself. I knew he was up to something.

"Honey, are you fine in there?" My mom knocked at the door and called me numerous times.

I opened the door, wiping my face with a towel. "Morning sickness that's all," I confirmed.

"You are hot," She removed her hand from my forehead. "Mom, I am really fine," I argued.

"You're definitely not." She tucked me in bed and I immediately drifted off to sleep.

After what seemed like hours, I opened my eyes. Winked several times. I was trying to adjust my blurry eyes. Warm lips brushed my face, kissing my forehead. "Samuel," I blurted out.

"Don't say anything," he pecked my lips. He adjusted me to a sitting position. On the night stand, a towel dipped in water.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You had a fever, but it is lowered now. You've been sleeping for the whole day," he stated. "You scared the hell out of me, Julia," he held my hand and kissed my knuckles.

I looked at the tiny flowers in the blanket. "Julia, everything will be just fine. I don't want you to worry about anything."

"How can you ask me that? I am scared for our family," I sobbed.

"Sweetheart, look at me." I raised my head, he looked intently. "Everything's going to be fine, I promise you. Detective has everything under control."

"Please be careful." I found myself buried in his arms, and I hoped time would stop.


Samuel's P.O.V

At precisely six o'clock, I had a meeting with Detective Harold. I was waiting for him for couple of minutes when he strolled his way inside the restaurant with a quick handshake he passed a brown envelope.

"Vin Perta," he pointed to the picture in my hand. "He had been working for your father-in-law for about ten years, and he accompanied him to the US. That night your father-in-law had a heart attack, Perta was caught at the airport. He was trying to run away but later on he confessed that he was hired by an anonymous person. It had been two weeks since he started poisoning his food."

"Is that all?" My eyebrows were Knitted together. I was flipping the pictures when one picture caught my eyes. My jaw clenched at the view.

"What's this? Is this my wife? Where did you find this?" I barked.

"The picture was found with Vin." I grimaced by hearing that. "Your wife and Vin were childhood friends."

"Bullshit, friends, I don't think so. I want to see him. Now," I glowered.

After a furious ride, Detective and I arrived to a dim room where I saw Vin through a transparent glass.

"Samuel, you better control that temper of yours," Detective warned.

With that, we entered the room. The bastard stood up and offered his hand for a shake but an FBI agent forced him to sit down.

He plastered a fake smile on his face, "I've been waiting to see you." He looked around, "Well, not quite the meeting I imagined."

"You shut the hell up," I threatened. "You will answer all my questions or else I'll make sure you'll rot in prison for the rest of your life"

His mouth snapped shut and he nodded in agreement.

"Why did you do it? You worked for him for seven years?"

"I was paid well. It kept my pocket warm," he wrinkled his nose.

Detective held my wrist. I yanked it and pulled the picture of my wife laughing at something the bastard had said, but the way Vin looked at her made the blood boil in rage. Vin looked at the picture in front of his face and sadness clouded his features.

"Why do you have this picture with you?" I questioned.

"Julia was always a great friend. We had a thing together, and she was always mine." At that my fist rained down at his face. However, I was soon pulled by force by Harold.

Harold pushed me outside the room. But I was satisfied when I peaked at Vin's broken nose.

"I am going to kill that bastard," I fisted my palms.

"You better control that temper of yours, Samuel, but good punch you had there."

With that we laughed but my mind was occupied with the picture and Julia. I was going to tell her as soon as I arrive home.

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