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"I can't stay in her house," Samuel said in an irritated tone. He was looking through the window.

"No," I raised my hand to stop him. "She has nothing to do with it. I know that maybe she's not okay with our marriage, she needs time, she's your mother and I won't accept nonsense about her," I narrowed my eyes at his.

He raised his eyebrows, "Julia, you keep surprising me," he smirked. "But we'll leave in the morning," he insisted.

"Fine, but behave," I said in a fast pace.

"What does that suppose to mean?" He crossed his arms.

"Haha You know, don't give her the silent treatment or glare, she has nothing to do with it," his smirk was getting wider. "Oh I am going to shut up," I covered my face under the blanket.

"Julia, baby, come out, I'll stop," he said while chuckling.

"Really," I uncovered my face.

"I love you more when you blush," he winked.

I threw one of the pillows at him. It hit him straight in the face and that made me giggle. "Is this you when you become feisty?" He said with a grin.

He stared at me and moved towards me, "Wh-What's wrong?" I managed to utter.

He was laying in bed right next to me. His head on the pillow, looking at my face and thinking.

"I am an injured lady, don't kill me, I am too young to die," I was being sarcastic.

He chuckled. "You should rest, try to sleep,"

"I am not tired," but my yawn proved me wrong.

"Yeah, I can see that," he laughed.

"Good night," I smiled.

I fell in deep sleep the minute I closed my eyes but I heard him whisper in my ear, "You are like sleeping beauty who slumbered in her forest castle."

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