Ch. 23

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Samuel's POV

I woke up at 2:00 a.m, Julia was sleeping like an angel beside me. This woman changed my life, came unnoticed, saved my life, was like a lioness, made me irritated by her reckless actions, drove me crazy, but fell for her.

If someone told me that I will become a married man one day, I would mock them and would tell them over my dead body. Nevertheless, I became a father for two children with a happy marriage that lasted for 10 years.

I took my phone and walked to my office, I decided to send a couple of emails to be disturbed by my phone ringing, it was a private number.

"Hallo!!" I answered in an alert tone wondering who would've called in such an hour.

What I heard made my eyes wide, I couldn't believe my ears. I changed my clothes into a t-shirt, joggers and sneakers. It took 10 min. to reach my destination, it was as if the city was hunted by ghosts, well it was 2 in the morning.

My father-in-law was in a critical situation, his condition was getting better that's what the Dr. informed me after couple of hours, he was stable, but the hardest part was informing Julia, I was scared that she would break down.

I returned early in the morning, it was 5 am, I decided I will inform her in a way that she could handle it without worrying about her reaction.

"We'll eat on our way, now hurry up and I promise you, I'll take you to pinkberry now," I blurted out from downstairs.

"Can you please tell me where are we going?" Julia said while walking down the stairs, she never stops from taking my breath away, her brown hair flowing on her shoulders, her pink cheeks were complementing her pretty white skin.

I squeezed Julia's hand gently, "You still have to learn to be patient."
"I still hate surprises," she sighed and leaned her head on the window.

I couldn't resist grining from ear to ear knowing very well that she was going to say that.

After 15 minutes drive, I ordered her to close her eyes. Julia kept pestering, and I was enjoying every second of it.
"How I will walk? I will keep stumbling!"

I took my hand in hers and said, "Don't worry love, I will always protect you, you have nothing to fear, I will be your eyes now," I said while kissing her forehead.

Julia sensed my distress but she asked in a sarcastic tone "Honey, are you okay? Why do I feel you are hiding something?"

I couldn't say any thing, I just covered her eyes in an attempt to stop her from talking, "walk and no peaking," I ordered.

I ordered her to open her eyes and hid away but kept close in order to move closer at the right moment. The video was a surprise, it was during our wedding, I wanted her to watch after couple of years had passed it would be a great memory and she would love it. I wanted her to see only the first part, not all of the recording. Only the part that would help her with the bad news.

She was dumbfounded, it was as if having a flashback.

She turned on the video, and I observed her facial expression from being surprised, a small smile, raising her eyebrows, then shedding tears and this was my signal, I came closer, closed the laptop.

The news was daggers to her heart, I held her tightly trying to calm her.

The hardest part was explaining my suspicions, "He is now in the hospital, the doctors said he will be fine, he is a strong, healthy man, he will make it through," I said, "but-"

"But what?" She interrupted.

I continued, "Someone wanted to hurt your father, the doctors said a dose of ibuprofen made his heart rate accelerate. He wasn't taking any medicine your mom clarified, now let's go, I am with you baby."

She gulped down trying to process all the data that was inserted into her mind, I opened the door for her and went to the driver's seat, the ride was quiet to the extent of torturing a prisoner.

At the hospital, Julia saw her mom and hugged her, they were both sobbing and I couldn't do anything but offer a bottle of water.

She went inside to see her father, and I was waiting for her. I brought a cup of coffee for my mother-in-law, she nodded and smiled weakly. They were my second family, whoever tries to harm them, they will be messing with me.

Julia walked out after few minutes, she was pale, and I noticed she had blurry eyes, I threw my cup in the bin strolling my way towards her to steady her, but she fainted in my arms.

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