Ch.1: Paying an old friend a visit

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Chapter 1:

Sitting atop the large tower of the big ben, I look over the sleeping city.

'It has been awhile since I was last here. Carriages used to fill the streets, I preferred them much more than to these cars. But at least most of the original architecture still stands.' I let out a sigh and swing my legs back and forth over the roof edge. 'I miss coming up here with my old friend Jacob. We had so much fun back in the day.'

Glancing down at the newspaper in my hands, I flip through the pages to get caught up on the latest news of the city. I pause as a certain page catches my eye.

'A detective by the name of Sherlock Holmes has had a hand in solving many crime cases, along with his partner and blogger, John Watson.'

"John Watson..." I murmur. There is no picture, but I am sure it is him. I smile,"Time to visit an old friend."


"What are you doing?" a deep voice asks from within the decent sized flat.

"Writing up the latest case we've solved," the familiar voice of my friend sounds.

"'A scandal in Belgravia'? John, why must you make such ridiculous titles for your blogs? It's not as if anyone reads them," the deep voice quips.

"Not true, dear sir," I murmur, walking into the room. "I have read his blog. It is quite interesting." They turn their attention to me.

John slowly stands, his eyes wide."...Sara? Is that you?"

I smile widely and rush into his arms,"It's good to see you again, John!"

He hugs me back tightly, laughing,"I can't believe it! Your here, in London!"

I pull back and look him over,"You look well, John. I was afraid of how you might be after the war, but you seem to be doing great."

He smiles and gives a little shrug,"I still get nightmares from time to time and I had gotten shot, but I am doing well now," he puts his hands on my shoulders,"But you look great as well. Your hair longer...but that's about all that has changed."

I giggle at our inside joke. "I can't imagine much will change for quite awhile."

The clearing of someone's throat draws our attention.

A man with dark curly hair stands across the room, studying me with suspicious blue eyes. He has very high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. He is handsome, but not in the traditional sense. At first glance he isn't drop dead sexy, quite average in fact, but there is just something about him that draws my interest.

Without knowing his name, I can figure who this man is.

I cock my head to the side with a cheeky smile,"Sherlock Holmes, is it?"

His eyes narrow,"John told you about me?"

My friend shakes his head,"No. I did not know she was even in London," John tells the man.

Sherlock nods, still eyeing me closely,"The blog then?"

"Newspaper, actually," I answer, walking closer to him. "A consulting detective? Never heard of such a thing."

"Because I invented the term."

I nod,"Of course, and that makes it a real thing." I hear John let out a quiet chuckle. I smirk and continue,"I understand you make deductions. Care to deduce me?"

John chuckles,"Oh, she will give you a run for your money, Sherlock."

We stand in silence for a moment while Sherlock "deduces" me.

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