Ch.57: I need John Watson

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Chapter 57:

Sara's POV:

"Sara? What- Why are you here?" John questions incredulously as I walk into the house,"How did you even know I was here?"

"Mycroft told me. He said I would find you here, as well as Sherlock," I look around,"Where is that asshole by the way?"

He frowns,"He's not here. Did you two have another fallout or something?"

A woman stands off to the side looking a bit confused. She glances at John,"Won't you introduce me?"

John sighs,"This is Sara Knightly, she's a good friend of mine. Sara, this is-"

"Your therapist. I had already guessed," I cut him on with the wave of my hand. I cross my arms and let out a huff,"Mycroft is really on my shit list now!"

Tom clears his throat and walks to John's therapist with a warm smile,"Hello, my name is Thomas Holmes," he greets her as they shake hands. "I am terribly sorry for barging in like this, but we were told my brother would be here."

She smiles softly,"It's fine, dear. Would you like a cup of tea?"

"That would be lovely."

The sound of multiple police cars driving at top speed pricks at my ears. I frown and look at Tom,"Do you hear cop cars heading this way?"

He is staring out the window,"And a helicopter."


A loud crash is heard from outside the house and the screeching of tires on the pavement. The whirling of helicopter blades fly overhead, and police sirens cry out.

I am the first to rush outside, with Tom, John, and his therapist following. I pause at the front porch and take in the scene before me.

A red sports car is parked half on the sidewalk with rubbish bins strewn across the yard, presumably what that crash was. Surrounding the red car are three police vehicles and a helicopter hovering nearby.

The door of the red car opens and the last person I would ever expect climbs out.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops,"Mrs. Hudson?!!"

She smiles once she sees me and takes off her sunglasses. "Sara! Oh it is so good to see you, dear!" She prances over and pulls me into a hug. 

"Stop right where you are," a policeman says as he walks toward us.

Mrs.Hudson looks at him confused,"Huh? What?"

"Do you have any idea what speed you were going at?" the man questions.

Mrs.H rolls her eyes,"Well, of course not. I was on the phone."

Is she serious right now?

"Oh ..." she holds out a phone to him. "It's for you, by the way."

The cop takes it with a confused look,"For me?"

"It's the government."

"The what?!"

I clench my hands into fists and mutter,"Mycroft."

"What's going on?" John walks over and questions the elderly woman,"What's wrong?"

Mrs.H suddenly breaks down in tears and wails,"It's Sherlock!" She pulls John into a hug. "You've no idea what I've been through!"

"What did he do?" I demand.

She shakes her head,"He went of his rocker," she says,"He stopped eating, sleeping. He wrecked the flat, was shooting my wall!"

I close my eyes and try to control my emotions, mostly the anger.

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