Ch.22: On my own

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Chapter 22:

Sherlock's POV:

I wake to the sounds of beeping and the smell of anesthetic. I must be in a hospital.

I crack my eyes open and look around. Yes, a hospital.

I try to move but my body resists and flares up in pain. I grit my teeth and lay back.

What happened?

The door opens and a young doctor walks in. He smiles at me,"It is good to see you are awake." He checks my vitals and asks how I am doing.

"Bloody wonderful! What do you think?" I scoff.

He just laughs and shakes his head,"You were in pretty critical condition. We got to you just in time."

"What happened?" I question.

He purses his lips,"I was hoping you could tell me that. We found you outside the front of the hospital with a girl holding onto you. She was screaming for help and once we took you inside, she disappeared," he looks down at his clipboard,"You must have took a bus to the face, or gotten punched in the face by the incredible hulk though. You had many bone fractions in your face, a busted lip, lacerations," he glances up,"Your left eye socket was smashed, we were lucky enough to put you back together. But the really weird thing is, you had no other damage to your body. The only feasible explanation I can come up with is that you were punched fifty or more times in the face."

"You said a girl was with me. What did she look like?" I question.

"I wasn't there, but the nurses said she had dark brown hair and blue eyes. A short little thing, and was wearing a purple dress."

I feel my memories coming back to me. The wedding, kissing Sara, my brother coming and attacking me.

I look back at the doctor and ask,"How long have I been out?"

"Almost a month," he tells me.

I let out a frustrated groan and try to sit up again. He rushes toward me and pushes me back down,"What are you doing?!"

"I'm leaving," I exclaim,"I am awake and ready to go."

He shakes his head,"You can't. You still have a lot of healing to do before you can be discharged."

I start to grow angry,"I'm fine! Let me-"

"Why are you always so difficult, brother?"

I grip my bed sheets tightly,"...Mycroft, what are you doing here?" I growl.

The doctor leaves and my brother walks to my bedside to sit in a chair next to me.

"I had a feeling you would wake soon. I wanted to see how you were doing," he smiles sardonically.

I use a remote to raise my bed so I am in a more sitting position, and glare at him,"I'm not in the mood for games. Why are you really here?"

His smiles drops and he let's out a sigh,"Fine," he reaches into his coat,"I came to drop off this." He hands me a letter.

I frown and take it. There is no writing on the outside other than a nicely written, 'to Sherlock'. No scent, standard envelope, this could be from anyone.

I open it and unfold the letter inside.

'Dear Sherlock,

I know this is old fashioned, but I have always favored letters to texts, tweets, and whatever the hell you call them. I am sorry I couldn't be there when you wake... Actually, you know what, I'm not sorry! You went over your boundary once again Sherlock and now Tom has left me. I can't say I blame him, because of the way I treated the situation. I should have pushed you away and made it clear that I was with him and not you. That was my mistake and now I am paying for it. I'm angry at you, but I don't want you dead. I made sure you were in good hands before leaving. Now that you are awake, you can run off and be Sherlock Holmes again. Solving cases with Watson, escaping danger.

Goodbye, Sherlock.


I look up from the letter and turn to my brother,"Where is she?" I question.

He shrugs and fixes his coat as he stands,"She left, right after handing me that note with instructions to give it to you once you woke. Though I am quite certain that she isn't in England anymore."

"Find her!" I order him,"Bring her back-"

"I don't have to do what you say, little brother," Mycroft growls,"You made this mess, you fix it." He then turns and leaves the room without another word.

I lay back staring at the letter in my hands.

I had wanted her and Tom to break up, but not like this. I wanted him to leave, but now both of them are gone.

...I messed up.


Sara's POV:

It has been three months since I left England. I have settled back in Italy where I stay at my family villa.

I had to get away. I felt bad for leaving so suddenly, hell I didn't even tell John or Mary that Sherlock was in the hospital. But I didn't want to disrupt their happiness with all my ruin and sadness. Though I am sure Mycroft contacted them eventually when John couldn't find Sherlock or I.

I couldn't go and see Sherlock when he awoke. I hate what he did, but he is still my friend and I love him. It is all very conflicting, so I decided to just ignore them both and leave. I found Tom and we talked everything over. He was willing to give us another shot, but I turned him down. A part of me wanted to get back with him, a huge part, but my other side saw that things just never seemed to go right for us. So I thought it was best to go our separate ways. I knew I would end up hurting him in some way...

So now I am alone, trying to figure out what to do with my life.


I am currently lounging in my pool, staring up at the night sky as I wonder what to do next.

Being a vampire can be boring at times. When you live for so long, you start to run out of things to do.

Maybe I will go and visit my friends Sam and Dean in the States. They always have something interesting going on-

The sound of my phone interrupts my thoughts.

I sigh and leave the pool to get it.

"Hello?" I answer, toweling my body.

'Sara, we've got a problem.'

My eyes widen,"John Watson? Wait, what's the problem?"


My face starts to turn an angry color of red as I listen to John. I grip my phone tightly,"I will be there in an hour." I then drop my phone snd quickly get dressed. I pack a small bag and then I'm out the door, on my way back to England.





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