Ch.35: He can be sweet

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Chapter 35:

Sara's POV:

It has been a week since I turned Sherlock into a vampire and it has been a mad house at 221b ever since. Sherlock has yet to get control of his powers, which is usual for a newbie vampire. It will take him years to fully master them, but Tom and I will be there to help.


I merely sit back and watch as Sherlock darts around the flat with superhuman speed as he looks for something.

The flat door opens and John walks in. He pauses in the doorway then blinks slowly,"...I'm going to be sick if he keeps moving about like that."

I giggle and stand up to greet my hedgehog friend. "How is Mary and the baby?"

He smiles at me,"Good. Very good actually. We-"

Sherlock suddenly appears between us. "Hello, John. How is Mary? Never mind, I need help on a case," he then darts back over by the desk and continues to rifle through a stack of books.

John glances at me with his eyebrows raised,"How long has he been like this?"

"About a week," I tell him with a soft smile as I watch my boyfriend zoom around,"I find it amusing to watch."

John chuckles,"He is like a kid hopped up on caffeine. Are new vampires always like this?"

I shrug,"Sometimes. Most do enjoy the super speed ability, but this is Sherlock we are talking about. Everything is overboard with him. But I expected this might happen," I then frown and cross my arms,"I am worried though."


"Being in public," I glance at John,"He rarely held himself back when he was human, and was very impulsive. Now all of that is times ten. I cannot have him darting around and blowing our secret."

John nods,"Well, good luck with that."

I glare at him,"Thanks," I grumble before walking to see what Sherlock is working on.

He is flipping through papers and scouring the internet all at once. I look over his shoulder at the computer screen,"Any leads?"

"No!" he hisses while continuing to search,"New bodies are being found all over and I can't find one trace of the killer!" he snarls, and slams a book down on the desk with so much force that the desk gives way and crashes to the floor.

I quickly grab the laptop off the desk before it can take a dive as well.

I hear John sigh in the background,"Another trip to the furniture store." He grabs his coat and leaves the flat.

Sherlock gives me a frustrated look,"I am no help here. I need to get out and search for clues, examine the crime scenes for anything the Yard missed."

I sigh,"Sherlock, you know it is too soon for you to go out," I tell him,"You can barely stand to be in the same room as John, if you go out now you have a high chance of killing someone."

He looks like he wants to argue so I speak up again. "Tom is out searching for the killer, if he finds something he will contact us. You know he can handle this."

"Do I?" He questions, his eyes turning red,"Because I haven't seen him in decades! I don't know him-"

"Then why don't you try to," I tell him.

He pauses, his red eyes toning back to their original bright blue color.

"I know that you two are practiaclly strangers to each other, but he is still your brother. He is the same man you grew up with," I tell him softly,"Try and get to know who he is now. He has matured but he is still the same man from all those years ago. I know you and Mycroft don't have much of a brotherly bond-"

"That is putting it mildly," Sherlock mutters under his breath.

I continue,"But you and Tom did share a bond once. Try to regain what you had," I smirk,"Maybe the two of you will become the world's first vampire, brother, detective duo."

He snorts and rolls his eyes,"You fantasize far too much, Sara."

I glance around the messy room,"And you talk to much. How about we meditate?" I ask with a smile.

He lets out a sigh but nods anyhow. We retire to his room and take our places on his bed. I sit across from him, both of us with our legs crossed.

I close my eyes and breath in deeply,"Now, relax..."

After a moment of silence I am suddenly broken from my meditation by a warm pair of lips on my own. I snap my eyes open and see Sherlock's face backing away, looking a bit red.

He looks down at the bed spread,"...I know I am not good with...emotions. But, I wanted to thank you."

I frown,"For what?"

He lifts his gaze to mine,"For saving me. I know turning me was not what you wanted, but I am grateful even though it may not seem like it." He slowly takes my hands in his,"I look forward to spending a long time with you. Maybe, in time, I will get this relationship thing right."

I smile and pull him in for another kiss.


Sherlock season 4, holy shit! Was pretty sad except I saw it coming. And now I am hating John quite a bit, thanks Moffat😑




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