Ch.70: I hope I'm not too late

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Chapter 70:

Sara's POV:

I wake with my head pounding and someone shaking me vigorously.

"Wake up!" Someone hisses.

I blink open my eyes and see Mycroft kneeling above me. "W-what's going on?" I question, I slowly sit up and groan as my head swims. Taking a deep breath, I look around. "Where are the others?"

He stands,"I don't know. Eurus must have taken them somewhere else."

We are in an empty barred cell, still at the asylum I am assuming.

I stand and weakly lean against one of the walls. I feel Darkwood coursing through my veins, repressing my powers and making me feel weak.

"What was she doing with you four while I was chained up?" I question.

Mycroft shakes his head,"She was toying with us, trying to turn us against one another. She- she killed four people."

My eyes widen,"W-What about Molly?"

"She was never in any harm. Eurus used her to toy with Sherlock's emotions. After that she ordered Sherlock to kill either John or I."

I gulp,"What did he do?"

"Well, he didn't shoot us. He instead attempted suicide."

My eyes widen,"What?!"

"Eurus didn't let him go through with it. She shot us with some sort of tranquilizers. That is the last thing I remember."

I calm down a little. "What do we do now?" I question.

Mycroft stands patiently by the locked cell door,"We wait."

I frown,"Wait?"

"Yes. Anthea should be here soon."


"I am part of the British government. When I am missing, it doesn't go unnoticed. I also gave strict instructions for her to investigate if I didn't contact her within a certain amount of time."

I nod,"When do you think she will-"

I am cut off by the sound of guns being shot in the distance.

Mycroft smirks,"Perfect timing as always."

Moments later and a SWAT team bursts into the room.

"Target found," One of the men says into his walkie before striding to the cell door and opening it with a key.

"Thank you gentlemen," Mycroft says with a smile,"If you would be so kind as to direct me to Anthea."

"Of course, Sir."

Mycroft and I are led through the building and outside where Anthea awaits next to a car. I note that it is already dark out. We must have been unconscious for some time.

"Sir," She greets. She nods to me,"Ms. Knightly."

I nod back.

"Did you find him?" Mycroft questions.

Anthea nods and hands him a phone. "We tracked him to this location."

Mycroft's eyes widen a fraction,"...Musgrave Hall."

I frown,"Your childhood home?"

He gulps and nods.

"How far away is it?" I question,"We need to save them-"

Mycroft shakes his head,"Musgrave is about three hours from here. We would never make it in time."

"Well call your men then!" I shout,"Get someone who is closer to save them-"

"Musgrave is practically in the middle of nowhere. The closest military base is two hours from it. Eurus could kill them at any moment."

My eyes widen and I feel my heart drop. "T-There has to be something we can do!"

Anthea looks to her boss with a knowing look,"Sir?"

Mycroft looks down and sighs,"...We have been working on an experimental drug to counteract the effects of Darkwood, but it hasn't been tested yet."

"Test it on me then!" I demand,"With my powers back I can make it there in just under an hour."

"The side effects-"

"Damn the side effects!" I bark,"If it gives me a better chance at saving them, then I will do it no matter what."

Mycroft searches my eyes for any falter, then sighs again when he finds none. "Alright. Anthea, bring-"

"Already done, Sir." Anthea smiles cheekily and grabs a metal briefcase from a suited man. She opens it and holds it out to her boss,"I figured that Darkwood may have been used on one of you, so I came prepared."

Mycroft presses his lips in a thin line and picks up a syringe that contains a clear liquid. While Mycroft may be seen as the 'iceman' to many, he does have a heart. He cares for his brothers more than he lets on, and I like to think that he has grown quite attached to me over the years.

I hold out my arm and Mycroft injects me with the experimental drug.

"Now, it should take only a few minutes before you will have your powers back," Mycroft explains,"It is meant to absorb the Darkwood in your blood, and there shouldn't be any side effects."

I nod and close my eyes, waiting for the drug to take effect.

For several minutes I feel nothing, then a burning starts in the pit of my stomach. I groan and double over as the pain intensifies.

"Sara!" Mycroft calls with concern,"Are you hurting?"

"Feeling a little something," I mutter through clenched teeth. I take some deep breaths then stand up straight. "I-It's not so bad now."

I grab the metal briefcase from Anthea and test my strength with it. With a little force, I am able to bend the metal handle. I smile and turn to Mycroft,"I think it worked."

He nods and hands me the phone with Sherlock's GPS,"Go save my brothers. I will try to get my men there as fast as possible."

I nod and hand the case back to Anthea. I take a deep breath then take off sprinting, I soon reach vampiric speed and race toward my friends location, hoping I'm not too late.


So there are going to be 73 chapters in this story. Only 3 leftttt :)




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